Episode 184: Pamela Martin

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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by fifthsonata »

His statements were made in jest.

If that's how you're going to speak to him with your "criticism," you don't deserve a the respect of a response from him. You didn't give him criticism - you just gave rude commentary. If you want him to consider your thoughts, treat him with respect, not like a piece of shit.

That's all I'm going to say over it.
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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by ghughes1980 »

Well this has turned into a bit of a flame war. I did not expect this type of situation developing. I'm not here to stir up shit and piss people off I assure everyone of that. I'm really here for support and I'm sorry if people dont see it that way.

I think I've made it clear that guests experiences are valid and Paul's are too. I just feel that a large number of interviews are becoming similar. So similar that they aren't really helpful (to me). If you get something out of them that's fantastic and I hope you still do.

I'm trying not to project my own problems into my posts but sometimes it's very hard when you are in pain and I apologize. I don't really have a safe outlet or safe people to discuss these issues in my real life and I'm sure it bleeds over into my ramblings here. Please don't take that personally. It's no one's fault but mine.

I'm sorry
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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by homestar2525 »

@ghughes I can read between the lines in your posts and see that you are here for support and clearly you are a long time member of the community. Thank you for your response.
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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by manuel_moe_g »

I agree with ghughes1980 in that I make a decision to listen to a particular show based on how much I think it will help me, because I am very sensitive and more so when my mental illness is working up. It is embarrassing for me to admit, but one thing that is troubling me is how my anxiety and depression made me avoidant, so I missed out on sexual and romantic relationships, and when the guest had an active dating and sexual life, I get envious and resentful, even though I know it is irrational. It is something I am working through.

For me, I wish the shows would focus more on specifics on improving things in the now and in the future. I appreciate less the shows that are "past-history heavy" and shows where the guest seems to be waiting for some future event to clear things up or when the guest seems resigned to things being "stuck". Same thing with the reading of the surveys.

Literally, Paul has not appreciated a comment exactly once, where the commenter wanted to dismiss emotional incest as abuse, because nothing physical happened. I think all evidence shows Paul is open to criticism, knowing that he cannot put out a product that will please everyone and where he has to stay true to his own self because he is putting so much of himself out there in the shows.
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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by ghughes1980 »

I have a stack of old favourite (I'm going to keep spelling that correctly just to bug people!) episodes I do go back to that have helped in the past. Lately however I am in what I can only describe as a really bad place see this thread: http://mentalpod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=7889 and it's hard when the feed back I get from professionals and doctors is couched in a positive manner but I don't feel better than a 4/10 on the pain scale on a good day. Then jump feeling that mentally wear me down every second I'm awake. I don't feel comfortable taking Diasapam just to get some rest (I can't call it sleep because it's just dozing really.) and it wears on you. Upping dosages on other drugs is just a holding pattern too and it drives me nuts. If I seem a bit snippy that's why. It really has nothing to do with a person here or in the real world, people don't bug me I bug me. I am venting my bullshit 100% of the time in posts that are negative and Paul I am really sorry if this is causing you distress. This podcast is and has always been a lifeline for me. It has given me courage to seek out treatments and support groups and be more well rounded in my life.
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Re: Episode 184: Pamela Martin

Post by Jimmy »

@ghughes1980 Fellow Canadian I support you in your spelling of favourite. Peace and love from Ontario.
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