introduction and curiosities

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introduction and curiosities

Post by ethanolstudies »

Alright hello everyone my name is Ethan, I am 18 and i live in Washington. Most of my life i guess you could say that at a young age i was moved around a lot. Most of my childhood i had always saw that my mom was the only one who was taking care of me. So most definitely i'm considerably a mommas boy. My mom was also 18 when she had me so who know this year might be a extreme turning point in my life.

With myself i have learned alot about my mental health, education is key even when you mentally go through it. Also when you just sit back and watch your emotion change. i know for me the education started early before my teens. The things that brought me to that point where not the best. like drinking vodka in elementary, to getting caught with weed in high school. Those situations forced me to challenge my will power and how much i knew about myself so that in a sense have a normal life, you know back to the way things use to be.

Well enough about me honestly i can go on forever. But i bet that those people who read it would not find interest in a (BOOK LONG) summary of my life. i hope all of you enjoyed reading a small snippit of what kinds of piers who live else where might be like. i know that's an interesting topic for me, to find new things on new people about there thought process.

i have one question who ever wants to answer its fine or leave comments please i would love that and who does not? but my real question is what is the real definition of addiction to everyone? just wondering if people feel the same way i do.
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Re: introduction and curiosities

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello ethanolstudies, welcome to our little forum! Hope you enjoy it! :D

About your question, for me addiction is all about negative consequences and behaviors that hold us back from accomplishment. Myself, I have a habit of managing my anxiety by overeating and buying things on the internet. The negative consequences make me want to change, and I am using meditation and loving self-talk to bring down my anxiety in a healthy way, and I must say I am having pretty good results.

Please take care, ethanolstudies, all the best, cheers!
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Re: introduction and curiosities

Post by RisingUpAgain »

Thank you for stopping by Ethan.

I think addiction is being compelled to do something that if you tried to stop you have an extremely difficult time because your body compels you to pursue your addiction.
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