I fell like home here!

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I fell like home here!

Post by angerKa »

My story is full of battles, and I'm still in the middle of it. I'm in therapy weekly, and I take my medication, and I'm listening to the podcast daily (thank God I still have about 130 episodes to go through).
I was molested by a neighbor when I was 5. My father was an alcoholic and my mom was busy working.
I was born in USSR (Russia), we moved to Israel when I was 18. I was a heroin addict while doing my army service.My brother and my mom moved to USA while I was in Israeli army.
In 2002 I came here, got married to American man,18 years older than me...and addicted to meth.
Obviously, I got addicted to meth as well. Tried rehab and NA, but never successfully graduated, nor doing the program. I got sober when I got pregnant with my daughter (she's 8y old now). I left my using husband when my daughter was 8 month old. Moved in with my mom's and her new family.
When I stopped using drugs my emotional eating and depression fully kicked in.
Year and a half ago I did Bariatric weight loss surgery. I also got married again to this wonderful man, who is my biggest support and sanctuary today.
I will be posting and commenting. I feel safe here. I feel like home here!
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Re: I fell like home here!

Post by IdentityPoltergeist »

Welcome to the forum (and belatedly, to the US, home of the... Uh... Well, we have meth). I hope you continue to find this a safe space!

Hugs. You have been through so much, I'm very proud of you for stepping up for your daughter and yourself and getting away from the meth and your child's self-destructive father. That shows tremendous strength and love!
"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." -- Oscar Wilde
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Re: I fell like home here!

Post by ArmyOfMe80 »

Welcome! ((hugs))
My coworker is in recovery. She was also on meth. She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful spirit. She just won employee of the month. She is amazing at the job and has a natural gift for this line of work. I was so proud of her employee of the month pic, proudly holding the big trophy. If she can do it, so can you.

In fact, she is an inspiration to me. I am realizing that I need to be more vigilant. I am tired of sinking into deep suicidal episodes of depression and/or just periods of very dark thoughts, naps, and crying jags. Very bad ones happen every couple years. Most rcent ones in 2011 and 2013.

I know logically this is a disease. But I guess I have fallen for society's assumption that it isn't as big a deal as other diseases or disorders. I have my spirituality, which I believe has kept me alive. But I need to be on topic of this every hour of every day..and I'm not.

I wish you the very best. You have a lot on your plate to work through, but you can do it. One day at a time.
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Joined: September 24th, 2014, 10:11 pm

Re: I fell like home here!

Post by Stan »

Hi there! welcome to the forum :)
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