so scared of how badly i feel

Don't be afraid to describe the way you'd like to be hugged and how it would make you feel.
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Re: so scared of how badly i feel

Post by WiltedRose »

Just to update, for myself...
after three months on medical leave, and then a couple months of part time (increasing to more hours every couple weeks, I finally am cleared to resume my job at full time hours)
What a hard spring/summer it was dealing with all this awfulness - the anxiety/depression/OCD/ and biggest medical component - the EATING DISORDER.
It's still not an easy ride, but I am certainly in a better place than I was late last April when I passed out at work from my ED behaviors ... and then wasn't allowed to return!
It proves if you can really hang on through the scariest and darkest times, things may ultimately change and you don't feel that way forever. (still scary feeling to be walking a tightrope, teetering and fearing I will fall again).

I was disappointed by the last email from my doctor. I am going to post it below. I LOVE and TRUST my treatment team, but sometimes the things they are so bluntly honest about hurt my feelings, and make me feel as if I can't trust my own brain to make proper decisions for my own well being. We will see how things go, and hope my doctor is wrong!
She doesn't like the way I work 12 hour shifts at work and don't take any breaks - ever. It's hard to eat there.
Also my exercise is very compulsive.
and I am struggling with food, but I gained 15 lb over the summer and am a safer weight. So there have been improvements.

(her words below, pasted... this is from my internist who I've seen weekly all these months... she is also and ED specialist and manages psych meds since she has the training in eds/and their comorbid pathologies)

I am fine to write the work-clearance letter for you, but my concern is that you will again crash and burn. You are not taking enough food in, still exercising, running at work, and purging.
That is not a prescription for well being.

Dr F

Hope I will prove her wrong.
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Re: so scared of how badly i feel

Post by manuel_moe_g »

I am excited about your improvement, WiltedRose, and I know you will prove them wrong by you getting healthier and happier! Please take care, be self-loving, all the best!
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Re: so scared of how badly i feel

Post by ArmyOfMe80 »

Sorry you are dealing with this. I know how hard it is to know that everything is all on you and to know you have to continue fulfilling daily obligations when you aren't sure you can. :(

I am there myself right now. Been calling in more than I should. It needs to stop.

Just one day at a time, we can do it. Water, diet, sleep, exercise go a long way. I am getting back on the wagon with that stuff right now. I let it slip for a while. We have depression and we really need to treat it the same way we would treat it if we were in recovery for drugs or alcohol. I have really come to realize that. Constantly keeping or thoughts, feelings, and actions in check.

It also helps to remember that we aren't alone. We have this bars and each other, but people out there in the world that we converse with daily have the same private battles.
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Re: so scared of how badly i feel

Post by ArmyOfMe80 »

P.s. forgive some of the "corrections" my "smart" phone made. I'm sure the main point of the post is still clear. :)
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