Hi - IN medical transition with pills & psychiatrist & Work

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Hi - IN medical transition with pills & psychiatrist & Work

Post by CosM129 »


I have Bipolar Disorder and it has been 15 years since my diagnosis. I just got off my old pills BZD's and am taking less medicine
for the first time in years. (It was so hard i cannot even tell you.) I have to get a new Psychiatrist but in the meantime I am posed to take something new for meds.
About me: I am a female, mid 40's, Married no kids, One big dog and One little cat. I love to learn but don't follow advice
enough to actually help myself. I am usually sad, I am always overweight and struggle with that, and I am unhealthy big time.
My Marriage is good right now it fluctuates of course we have been through many things its been 15 years and counting....

I love comedy, podcasts, movies, and I am an extremely visual person. I am not working as of Jan 2015 but I am still able to go back
i just want to try to sort out medication first, Here's hoping it goes well i am not a doctor.

It may sound horrible but this is the truth right now: I don't speak to anyone I have literally no friends my one Best Friend live s out of
town and I stopped talking to her, no reason other than my headspace changed. Frankly i am embarrassed to tell her how i messed up and
i didn't even call to wish them a Merry christmas. Other than that I have no friends at ALL. I am not joking, absolutely no one calls me.
that doesnt mean that it cannot change though in future this is my snapshot for now. :geek:
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Re: Hi - IN medical transition with pills & psychiatrist &

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello CosM129, welcome to our little forum! You are already posting, so continue to make yourself at home here! :D :D :D

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Please take care, please try to reconnect with your old friend, I am in the same boat as you when it comes to real-life friends. All the best, we here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow!
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Re: Hi - IN medical transition with pills & psychiatrist &

Post by CosM129 »

Thank you! I am going to do that with the forum
Posts: 2
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Re: Hi - IN medical transition with pills & psychiatrist &

Post by Erin.NewHabits »

Hi there CosM129,
I received your private message regarding Spouse/Pressing Work issue and I apologize for my delay in responding. I have been having trouble figuring out how to initiate a private reply to you through the mentalpod private message system...no success so far. My direct email is Erin.NewHabits@gmail.com. If you don't mind emailing me there with your private email address, I would be more than happy to respond to your original message that way. I am sorry for any inconvenience and send my best wishes.

Erin Fox
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