Went to bed early, got seven hours of sleep, got up early. Got bored, ate some rye bread and cheese, then decided to go to the launderette, do my laundry and decided to write about it here, while waiting for the dryer to finish.
These last couple of months, I've slowly become a different person. I feel high all the time and by high I really mean, I don't feel pessimistic, doomed, hopeless, sad, sorry or angry. I just feel optimistic and for once I feel like, I'm not being five minutes late to my life, but really on point and present. I'm still worried, over-thinking and analyzing too much of what I say and do, but I'm being much kinder to myself, less judgmental and I'm not coming to the same negative conclusions, I used to.
Today I have to go at drop-in center(Danish translation) at 11.00 and talk with a guy about trying organizing my eating times a little bit better, after that meet a friend for coffee afterwards and fuck me, if I didn't already do my laundry. Tomorrow I gotta do this and that and the day after that and this and I've got the energy to and... I want to. My life came to a halt a few years ago, I had ground myself into a ground, I couldn't go on, I saw my life as a prison sentencing, that I had to endure, but the last year's serious work is starting to pay off.
I want to write more, but the dryer is done and I have to be somewhere in 30 min, so I'll just leave you diary with this.
What really got me started was Paul's "There is hope, if you're willing to get out of you comfort zone." The first 70-80 times I heard it, I thought: "Oh that's a nice thing to say," but around episode 80, something hit me like a truck, the word "hope" suddenly, surprisingly resonated with me. As child protection service worker Ray said, you have to be thankless, because it's really the people themselves, that as to do the work, he can only show us the way, but hey, I really think mentalpod got me started.
That's all dear Diary, ta-ta.