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Post by othelloprime »

hi everyone. i'm a relatively new listener to the podcast and i love it. i have trouble concentrating on most podcasts because of the perpetual mind-storm (we'll get to that) but this one holds my attention. bravo!

please forgive my awful capitalization and punctuation. it helps me to relax when i don't obsess over details as much of my job is business writing. if you're ever having trouble getting my drift just let me know.

  • age: 28
  • sex: male
  • race: white
  • nationality: murican
  • some issues: congratulations you've made it to the fun part! i suffer from anxiety that disguises itself as adhd. or is it the other way around? i procrastinate horribly, which creates little problems that i turn into disasters. my mind is a cavalcade of one crisis-of-the-day or another. i don't think i've appreciated anything in the present moment for years. by and large, i can't even read (books) any more, which breaks my heart because i used to love to read. the distractions are simply too great to ignore most of the time.
  • childhood: surprisingly normal, so far as i can remember. i'm an only child. i was a fat, happy little boy with big academic talent. years 0-12 were pretty much a breeze. in high school my grades started to slip and my relationship with my dad deteriorated while i became best friends with my doting mom.
  • religion: atheist and hating it. in college i converted to roman catholicism under the auspices of a romantic relationship, then fell away from it as an adult. i really miss my spirituality, but i can't make myself believe any of it is real any more. this is the closest i've gotten to what i'm looking for.
  • huge toxic fear that i just thought of: that i'm a fraud for even reaching out for support because i don't have a mental illness. i wasn't ever abused or severely traumatized. my parents were upper-middle-class teetotalers who put a nice roof over my head and made sure to tell me how much they loved me. :violin: that i don't really suffer from anything, i'm just a fat immature lazy man-child that cries over spilled milk and hasn't found his bootstraps.
  • crippling phobia: butterflies and moths. please laugh. it is hilarious.
k, enough navelgazing for a day. besides, i'm at fucking work :doh: i'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

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Joined: October 3rd, 2011, 9:04 am
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Location: Orange County, CA

Re: yo.

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello othelloprime, welcome to our little forum! Make yourself at home in the threads and topics here! :D

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You are not a fraud for not having a diagnosed mental illness. The important thing is that you don't want to feel alone.

All the best, cheers!
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