I just can't cope

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Re: I just can't cope

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

I'm tired of trying to find the place that I belong in this world only to be kicked to the kurb.
Boy, can I relate to that. I think feeling like we belong is humanity's original addiction. I guess it's one thing if you're really a lone wolf and don't care one way or the other, but to always be feeling like you're not quite part of the tribe—to be the one sitting at the campfire way out at the edge of the firelight—can be excruciating. It is for me and it sounds like it might be for you too.

It's tough to tell someone that the hurt is worth it when there's little evidence to back it up, but I'm trying to operate under that assumption myself, so I pass it along in good faith.

Hang tough.
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Sir-knob-head »

Hanging myself. Only to wake up in hospital. And the NHS is a good thing. Eugh
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by oak »

I am glad you survived.

Please get help. Keep reaching out until someone helps.

Keep us posted.
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Beany Boo »

Good morning sir,

Sorry to read again about your ongoing battle with the health system. As if it wasn't difficult enough.

Thanks for the update.
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Sir-knob-head »

I've been discharged AGAIN.

I see shadows.
I hear screams. Mainly my own voice in my head.
7 suicide attempts in 18 months 1 almost fatal
Criminal damage aimed at the useless centre that won't see what I need when I ask for help ( threw red paint in the doorway and sprayed " you failed" on the sign the day before hanging myself

They threaten to section me they hold me against my will whilst I yell I don't need sectioning. I just need to be listened to! Yet always fail

I give up. I don't have a death wish. I just don't have any wish to wake up each day
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Beany Boo »

I hope your neck is okay.

I read your post and feel exasperated. It must be exhausting to ask so insistently for help and to still get a response like you're just being 'handled.'

Your health is important.
Mr (blue) B. Boo

‘Out of nowhere the mind comes forth.’ - Zen koan

‘Let go or be dragged.’ - Zen proverb

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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Sir-knob-head »

That's just the trouble. I don't get " handled " I get treated like a time waster. Maybe because I have ' a good psychological mind ' I hate the UK. I hate everything this country Has ever done
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by rivergirl »

I've wondered how you're doing, sir-knob-head. I'm glad to see your posts but so sorry that you are still in so much pain and not getting the kind of help you need.

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Re: I just can't cope

Post by Sir-knob-head »

Everything In my life is up hill. The more I succeed. The steeper it gets. The steeper it gets. The less it's worth it

Life is an expectation within itself. I wasnt asked if I wanna be here. So why is it I'm forced to be here. We talk about human rights. But this is one human right that is overlooked. There's things I wanna get done in my life. But I've no desire past that.
Humanity isn't forcing someone to breath. Humanity is respecting someone's core wishes. My core wish is to experience what I want. And then opt out.
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Re: I just can't cope

Post by manuel_moe_g »

I hear you, Sir-knob-head. I know what you are saying. Please keep the lines of communication open.
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