Depression? Looking into help.

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Depression? Looking into help.

Post by oak »

I think I may depression.

There! I said it.

I left a voicemail for my most recent EAP counselor to see if I can get on her schedule soon.

Here are other people I have on my team:

Family of origin (well, father and one kind sister)
Friends (we are starting to grow apart)

Please forgive my inchoate writing about depression. I know how to be broken about alcohol, working poverty, underemployment, loneliness, and obesity, but I am still figuring out how to be a person facing depression.

And I think I have agoraphobia also.

btw, posting this very post is a big deal to me.

Thank you for listening.
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Re: Depression? Looking into help.

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Depression can be managed. Putting a name to it can be a large first step. Please take care, good luck on your journey.
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