Well this seems like a good time for a milestone birthday...

To start a post, create a new topic. Post about anything from changing grade schools to moving into a retirement home. Hopefully not in the same year.
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Re: Well this seems like a good time for a milestone birthda

Post by oak »

Happy birthday!

I’m glad you made it. Some people didn’t.

Food is not love, or at least that is what I tell myself; at any rate, I send (virtually) all of your favorite cake.

I hope you have a wonderful year!
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Re: Well this seems like a good time for a milestone birthda

Post by brownblob »

Happy Birthday
We are living in a strange time. As they say, turning 50 beats the alternative.
I turned fifty last year. To me, I find comfort in getting older. When I was younger, having a birthday would remind me of another year wasted and make me feel disappointed in my life. Now, I have kind of accepted that I am on the back half of life and that I am what I am. I have survived. I no longer feel the same pressure to be more. It is enough to survive and do my best. Don't get me wrong, I still have my days of self hate, but there is a realization that I am no longer climbing the mountain. I am just trying to navigate going back down without falling.
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Re: Well this seems like a good time for a milestone birthda

Post by Heatherwantspeace »

Hi Maeve,
Yup, nothing feels the same right now. Going to the grocery store didn't used to take up my whole brain but now it does. Fortunately, you have a whole year of being 50 so you can pick a date later in the year to do some lovely self care and celebrate making it!
I second brownblob's experience that turning 50 let me drop a whole bunch of expectations (that maybe I shouldn't have been carrying in the first place).
(If you haven't seen it, I suggest looking up "last fuckable day" on youtube. It said so much to me about how I didn't have to care about living up to someone's idea of worth).

Happy Birthday! I'm sending along some berries and ice cream to go with Oak's cake. Even though this is a smaller celebration, it counts!
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