Stretching & 7-minute workout

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Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by snoringdog »

Stretching in the morning is important. Too many times I've jumped out of bed in anxiety to start-in on the anxious list whirling in my brain. Not a good way to start.

I've watched my little namesake stretch like a ballerina first thing in the morning. Also seen other creatures do similar. If they do this naturally, there's gotta be something to it, right?

Also, before having my shoulder freeze up on me recently, I was doing this series of exercises. Theory is that no one likes to exercise for long periods, so why not formulate something quick?

Seven minutes and you're done. (Easing into these is OK too). ... e-workout/
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by oak »

Oooh I love it.

I’ll be sure to try it in my office, door closed, at lunch tomorrow, and report back.
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Oak,

BTW - There are other very short routines linked on that NY Times page.

And I posted this elsewhere, but might put em here as well

What I'm learning about exercise since I started about a year ago

0. Everything can become a habit, exercise included
1. If you miss a few times (when you meant to do it) so what? Don't dwell on it or try to make it up.
2 .Don't overdo it. Not necessary or helpful. But *do* challenge yourself a bit.
3. The hardest part is getting in the car (I go to a gym) but I *always* feel better having gone.
4. Don't get hung up on staying too long. Better to do shorter sessions, but a little strenuous.
5. Music or the podcast can help pass the time.

6. (New one for the gym, when I'm self-conscious) - No one gives a shit what you're doing, they're all wrapped up in themselves.

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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by snoringdog »

Why is it so hard to get started when I *know* it'll make me feel better?

Seems like if I don't do it right away, the day is shot. A couple of days gone already.

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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by Beany Boo »

Exercise is the regular victim of decision fatigue. If you have to make a new decision whether or not to exercise at all, each time it’s imminent, well...

Here’s some things that have helped me.

I pay for classes that have a time limit; that you have to use them in the next 2 weeks; rather than a membership where you go when you want (which is not at all right now I know).

I do live-steaming workouts rather than recorded ones from YouTube. You’re invested; someone is taking you specifically through a guided work out and you both know it. There are lots of relatively cheap ones available on Zoom right now. They also offer ‘financial hardship’ deals.

I started by doing an intensive workout once a week then less intensive activities (walking, cycling) a couple of times a week. The lesser ones ride the effects of the intensive activity, extending their roll-out. All you have to do is get the blood flowing to your extremities and work some extra muscles that make moving, sleeping, breathing and digestion easier.

I’ve realized that exercise is much more interesting when you’re learning techniques that are unfamiliar. When your curiosity engages as much as your effort, that’s exciting. That’s why a knowledgeable trainer is valuable.

Yoga recommends an intensity level of 5 out of 10, whilst focusing on form. I feel like this is a good rule for all exercise. Your 5 is going to improve incrementally with time, knowledge and confidence. 10 is stressful.

Sorry if this is too lecture-y. I hate talking but have to to offer help.
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by Beany Boo »

That said, for free 7 minute workout apps this one is pretty solid.
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by snoringdog »

Thanks for the reply, good stuff. I'll try the app tomorrow.

(Today got away from me again, but yesterday I *did* do a lot of yard work and that counts for something, right? I should go back and read some of my own posts about self-recrimination, not dwelling on failures etc etc ;)

Saw a New Yorker cartoon about exercising at home. Caption read -

"If you don't have weights at home, try using canned food or the psychological burden of simply existing in this world!"

Someone's on the same plane... :lol:
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by snoringdog »

Hey BB,

Thank you for turning me on to this app! I've been using it most days when I don't give in to procrastination.

It's not too difficult and it always makes me feel better afterwards. I just set a daily text reminder for myself, saying just that.. ;)

It sounds trivial, but if I don't stretch a bit and take stock first thing before I rise in the morning, I usually end up feeling anxious, negative, and shitty before too long...
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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by Beany Boo »

It’s a pretty special app for the fact it does allow you to go easy; to be a ‘beginner.’

Not trivial in the least. It’s precious when you find a practice that fits into your day.

Thank you for letting me know. I’m so pleased.
Last edited by Beany Boo on July 14th, 2020, 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mr (blue) B. Boo

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Re: Stretching & 7-minute workout

Post by oak »

Thank you (“you” plural) for this excellent thread:

In addition to accessible resources, your fine example helps me stretch and move. A lot of this is about hope.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
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