anyone else have osdd-1?

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anyone else have osdd-1?

Post by mandelbabe »


this isn't technically DID, but bear with me. i'm living with other specified dissociative disorder type 1, which is a disorder that falls just short of a DID diagnosis (either because the parts aren't super distinct from the host or because there are no dissociative blackouts but non-fronting times still register to the brain as someone else- i experience the latter). online, i run in circles where many people have did/osdd (birds of a feather!), but it's always nice to meet more OSDD systems specifically. of course, I love and appreciate the DID systems in my life (they get brownie points for solidarity), but it's more relatable to talk to people with OSDD specifically, since, while they're very similar disorders, we have different experiences.

so, just wondering if anyone here has OSDD specifically. but hello to DID systems as well! so much love! we're all in this together ^_^

- kieran
Last edited by mandelbabe on June 15th, 2022, 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
fractal system (other specified dissociative disorder)
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Mental Fairy
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Re: anyone else have osdd-1?

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hello and welcome. Wow this is interesting. Very interesting indeed. Can I ask how you manage it and what the lead up to diagnosis was.

Personally not something I’m familiar with sorry but very interested in your journey.
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