New Suicide / Crisis Line in USA - Dial "988" - July 16 2022

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New Suicide / Crisis Line in USA - Dial "988" - July 16 2022

Post by snoringdog »

Hello -


Starting July 16, people in mental health crisis will have a new way to reach out for help. Instead of dialing the current 10-digit National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, they can simply call or text the numbers 9-8-8.

"If you are willing to turn to someone in your moment of crisis, 988 will be there," said Xavier Becerra, the secretary of health and human services, at a recent press briefing. "988 won't be a busy signal, and 988 won't put you on hold. You will get help."
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Re: New Suicide / Crisis Line in USA - Dial "988" - July 16 2022

Post by oak »

Thank you for sharing, SnoringDog.

I hope it saves some lives.

It is one of those ideas that are so obvious in hindsight: why didn’t they invent this years ago?

At any rate, this is progress.
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