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Post by manuel_moe_g »

procrastinating on my taxes that i got an extension on

if i follow "slow and steady wins the race" i should do well

emotional block to doing this work

[1] acknowledge the worrying/perfectionist part of my brain that is ringing the primal panic bell

[2] give myself permission to be human

[3] commit to a "good enough" course of action with a ceremony to burn off the stress hormones, the mere act of committing with ceremony will burn off those darn stress hormones (i can flesh out an appropriate ceremony in a future post)

[4] also have the oppositional part of my brain that correctly says "procrastination pays off <NOW>", acknowledge the oppositional part of my brain without negative judgement, thank the oppositional part of my brain, soak in the calming pool while floating on my back, the calming pool is made up of the thought "procrastination pays off now, but committing to a "good enough" action pays off 10-to-1 by avoiding future pain", float peacefully in that pool

as always, would love to get your comments! :D
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Re: Taxes

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hi Dee Hi Manuel Moe

So so so good to hear from you. Taxes, just the word makes my butt pucker up and mouth go dryer and a camels toe!

Procrastinating is something that bleeds guilt into the soul. Dislike procrastinating at the best of times but guilty of it all the time. The dislike for bills and payments drive me nuts. It’s like ripping off a plaster on a scab that’s bigger than the plaster. Absolutely hate doing it but it’s got to be done. The weight that lifts afterwards is freeing but dissatisfaction falls in and we have to make more money again. So so so cruel.

On a brighter note I’m super glad you posted, been a little worried.
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Re: Taxes

Post by oak »

Manuel Moe!

Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you did.

You are not alone.

I'd write more, but I am exhausted, so for now, please know that we are right there with you.

I'll post when I'm more myself. In the meantime, hang in there my friend!
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Re: Taxes

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Thanks for the replies and the concern, Mental Fairy and Oak!

still a lot of resistance to working on taxes


S-T-E-A-R mapping (Situation - Thoughts - Emotion - Action - Result)













Situation - need to do taxes


Thoughts - "i will make a mistake"


Emotion - <<FEAR>> that I will have all kinds of terrible consequences


Action - I procrastinate, do <<anything>> except my taxes


Result - when my tax guy asks for my records and spreadsheet of revenues&expenses, I won't have them!

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Re: Taxes

Post by snoringdog »

Yes - "Slow and steady wins the race"

I've been saying this to myself lately and it helps.

For mental work, helps calm anxiety, rushing, and the feeling of being overwhelmed.
For physical work, helps me to avoid strain and possible injury.


Taxes - An ancient concept. (Used to be called "paying tribute" in monarchies and tribal societies).

No one likes them, except maybe accountants and CPAs.
And it's even worse when you're not getting a refund!

I have often procrastinated myself. Usually because I didn't put all the various receipts and paperwork in one place thru the year.

I guess something has changed, or made filing more difficult?
Otherwise, it's just following the same-same as last year, right?

I've been using a few different software packages over the years, and they have step-by-step questions to fill in.
And kinda like a video game with a "score" on top, of your potential payment or refund as you go along.

It also helps to imagine that all of your particular payment is going to a government-sponsored activity that you approve of..

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Re: Taxes

Post by snoringdog »

Just saw your subsequent post.

FYI - I've made mistakes in the past, going both ways.

Never got a knock on the door, just an official letter with a request for additional, or a check...
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Re: Taxes

Post by manuel_moe_g »

also going to use RAN for getting this task done with my ADHD brain

RAN stands for Reward - Accountability - Novelty
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Re: Taxes

Post by oak »

Sounds good, Manuel Moe. Keep us posted.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
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