May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by Mental Fairy »

Yay, onwards and upwards my friend.
Prepare for the next few weeks ahead. Positive foot forward. If you trip up, we are here.
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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by oak »

Mental Fairy wrote: August 13th, 2022, 10:19 pm Yay, onwards and upwards my friend.
Prepare for the next few weeks ahead. Positive foot forward. If you trip up, we are here.
Thank you, MentalFairy! I appreciate your encouragement. 🙂

Friends, in the past month I've applied for about 30 jobs. Unfortunately I only got one interview, via Zoom, and they later told me they went with an internal candidate.

While I'm disappointed in these results, this effort was by no means a failure: I promptly and diligently applied to open positions. I did everything I could.

I've also since re-negotiated my position, holding on to the good aspects, and reducing the awful aspects by about a third. While I need to make a career move in 2023, I can more or less tolerate how things are now, for another six months, I'm guessing.

Larger picture, this summer applying debacle demonstrates that people in my current position are a dime a dozen. There is an entry-level tech position* I have long considered, and may well need to spend six months building my skills. I'm planning to wrap up my sleep apnea (please, heaven) this fall, so I can have all my mental faculties to start building these skills in late 2022.

Happily, I can (1) post here and (2) discuss this with my mental health counselor.

Thank you for listening. Also, if you have any advice or suggestions, please do offer them.

*Edit to add: this specific job is plentiful, pays much more, and all remote. Such a job would change my life.
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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by Mental Fairy »

Ki Ora Oak

With every plan of new new build or rebuilt there is a monumental amount of side projects on the go at the same time. Plumbing, electrical, surveys, time frames, roofers, fabricators....

Where is Gia going with this?

Well i was mulling over things this morning on my run. We are all rebuilding ourselves in different ways. Your a total rebuild from the top down. Your mindset, your electrical firing when you make a new positive change, then if you have a little set back the light goes out just a little. As soon as you make a mental adjustment you forgive yourself and move on. I envy this as your spark comes back.

Your surveying your land in where you live, work and how to make it more financially doable. Your making plans and ideas to help reshape your mind, body and location. Your feeding your body bank with knowledge and good foods. The rewards will come. The roof over your head for now is doable and you have made chances with cleaning and organization.

You have so many little projects going and plans moving forwards that it's going to reap rewards sooner rather than later.

I admire your plans, i have not been on here all that long and i can read a change in you. It's a reward for us and me to see this.

My plumbing was faulty due to the disease and that's ok. I had to change my electrical response in the brain to accept, make changes, stop eating foods for a time, reset and regroup. Soon the plumbing started to work with the help of medications and surgery.
One thing i have found is that once you start making the changes upstairs in the loft then the rest falls into place eventually.

I am looking forward to your achievements and stories.
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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by oak »

!. (Belated) thanks to Mental Fairy.
2. This is the week of truth, my annual review.
3. Realization during trauma-informed yoga yesterday.

1. (Belated) thanks to Mental Fairy.
Mental Fairy wrote: August 24th, 2022, 4:49 pm Where is Gia going with this?
I see where you went, Gia, and it is great!

Many apologies for not acknowledging the beautiful sentiments and encouragement you were generous enough to share. I read each word, and you are a great addition to the forum.

2. This is the week of truth, my annual review.

I hasted to add that my supervisor and grand-supervisor are both good people, and have gone to bat for me.

Still, I am very likely to fall even further behind 2021 inflation, to say nothing of 2022 inflation.

Nice as my current supervisors are, and they're very decent people, in 2023 I more or less have to make a career move. I'll post much more about this in the coming year.

3. Realization during trauma-informed yoga yesterday.

"I've missed out on all this, just so C-level executives' bottom line can be improved!"

A moment of realization and disgust.

I was reminded of what life can be, and what I've given up in the last year.

Of course, my main/only goal in 2022 has been to cure/mitigate my sleep apnea, which is well on its way.

Either way, in 2023 I want to make a career change.

This is a big week, my friends.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by rivergirl »

I'll be thinking of you this week, Oak. Please let us know how it goes.

I'm glad that you've made so much progress with sleep apnea, and have no doubt you can make other positive changes going forward.

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Re: May to December: Oak's professional positioning.

Post by Mental Fairy »

Oak, ……you just opened something here…….pass the can of worms…….skim to my trauma post and you will learn.

You have come so far my friend and yoga, air fryer and CPAP and mental balance has joined your journey to your next chapter.
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