Hello Mental Fairy,
I had a couple of thoughts after reading your post-
Being on the receiving end of what seems like mindless, repetitive noise can be excruciating.
I occasionally have periods of misophonia, usually related to my level of stress or tiredness.
And the feeling that someone’s being inconsiderate and should know better and that you’re being wronged is what leads to anger. (This explains my angry responses while driving, which I’m trying to control).
You should probably acknowledge the incident with your family and discuss it instead of letting it slide (a chance for connection), and you can ask for their help by speaking with the neighbor on your behalf.
Last summer I was reaching a point of feeling overwhelmed and helpless to control the noises and circumstances around me (around the time of the sister-in-law visit). Fortunately, I was able to escape for a while, and visit the beaver pond.
One thing was that over the summer my next-door neighbor put an Alexa speaker in his garage. At random times it would rather loudly say “Someone has been detected at the front door” or “Someone has been detected at the pool” when there was no one around.
He also got in the habit of turning on the radio whether he was working in the backyard are not. Often the play lists were nice depending on the station he tuned to, but later it became an overly commercial Top 40 station where the music is monotonous and the commercials can be especially annoying.
And at one point he got onto a disco kick. Real thunka-thunka-thunka stuff when they began using mechanized rhythm tracks.
When he has family over and there’s laughing, discussion and music, I don’t mind it at all. But the mindless & reflexive reaching-for-noisy-filler is what gets me.
One morning the disco came on, and I felt like I was going to have a meltdown / breakdown. I actually started to shake a little and felt like screaming or crying which shows how bottled up I was.
I was just about to leave the house saying “I can’t take this anymore!” when my wife asked me what was wrong. I briefly told her, and she simply and calmly called the neighbor (who she knows) and asked him to turn the music down, which he immediately did.
I felt like a bit of an idiot since I could have done the same, but I was too emotionally invested in my rigid world view (“He’s an insensitive idiot!”) and feeling of impotence. (Not sure why that was, really. Maybe this was just the straw that broke the camels' back).
Anyway, a little vignette for your amusement and I hope, for your edification