Mind Body and Trauma

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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by oak »

He looks like a very good brother.

One thing that charms me:

He had seen some stuff, being a coroner and cancer patient, and was a very hands-on/visceral person, with the grit of maintaining motorcycles.

Yet he enjoys the frozen treat.

He had many reasons, having observed the vicissitudes of cancer, autopsies, and motorcycling to enjoy something cool and sweet with his grown daughter. Outside, in the fading light.

We should all lead such a rich life.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hi oak

Thank you, he was an interesting person. Very much leading two worlds that crossed over from time to time. Got himself in and out of trouble more times than I can count. Maybe why mum kept going back to him.

His incredible love for animals was endless. He cared for any hurt or injured animal. He got himself into trouble if he saw others harming animals.

A couple of months before mum died he had a daily meeting with her. Not sure what happened but she was at peace after these chats.

I do feel she was torn between his good and bad side. He would always randomly stop into my work to make sure I was ok. Once he died I had random bikers stop by and do the same. I still have the occasional head pop into my door and check on me.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by oak »

Have you heard of this schema, MentalFairy?


While we all contain multitudes, I can’t help but wonder if your father had a bit of “Chaotic Good” in him.

Some of your less salutary relatives would be “Neutral Evil”. The hammer-uncle would surely be this.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Wow, there’s my something new for today. Never heard of this. I believe you’re right Oak.

Thank you for this information.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

The wind is so strong today I think we risk being blown back a couple of days.

Did my jog (in daylight) trick was to take a trail I don’t often take. Plus there was zero people willing to risk being on it.

Currently making vegetable lasagna with a side salad. Joes asleep and Matt’s at work so going to roll out the yoga mat and stretch this aging body out.

I can’t help but think of your all on my jogs as this is when my mind goes into “think mode”.

If I ever win lottery I will personally see to it that I fly every one of you to a beautiful location and have a meal!

Looking back over the years I have wondered how I coped and how I got my thoughts out. I have noticed I have less outbursts of frustration since being on the forum, I have far more empathy towards myself, there is a feeling of being lucky to have you all, even the people that don’t even write anything down and just read.

There is a level of comfort you all bring individually, not to mention no judgement.

We are lucky in a way, not many people have this and if they do it might be in an unhealthy way of connection.

Thank you
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Too rad!

This for us is great for the opportunity to remind awesome people that they are, in fact, awesome
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Well we have been hit with the start of cyclone. The winds have torn the mains from our home and cut power. There is a team working hard to keep people safe from fallen lines. Apparently storm is meant to track east but honestly it’s by far the worst winds we have had here in a while.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by oak »

Mental Fairy wrote: January 7th, 2023, 9:31 pm Well we have been hit with the start of cyclone. The winds have torn the mains from our home and cut power. There is a team working hard to keep people safe from fallen lines. Apparently storm is meant to track east but honestly it’s by far the worst winds we have had here in a while.
Oh my goodness, Mental Fairy! I hope you guys keep your power and everything goes okay.

Keep us posted!
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by snoringdog »

Yes, stay safe, and please post when you can to give us an update!


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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

It’s been strong winds all day today, one neighbour came over and said sparks coming from front of house. We looked up and saw mains had blown out off roof. Power company came and took fuse off power lines, sparky came and believe it or not Joe got on the roof!

One man up ladder, Matt holding ladder with two other neighbours while Joe got on roof to hold the cable to get the box screwed back on. We still have no power for the duration of evening until department say it’s safe. The winds are increasing by the hour. No rain at all yet. We are west coast Taranaki Region. coromandel area is already cut off. We are hoping it moves east. Some of the garden has already taken a hit.

Cross fingers this drops down to a smaller cyclone.
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