Hello Mental Fairy,
Just picking up on your June 9 & 10 posts about the neighbor. (But so much *real* stuff has happened since then!)
About your run with your relative a month or two (?) ago -
SD - Feeling watched and feeling exposed. I’ve posted about experiencing this. Just my amygdala on overdrive for whatever reason, I think....
But people are so caught up in their own inner worlds and monologues (same as we are! ) that they’re not paying much attention, if at all, though we think they’re fully focused on us and taking notes!
The girl with the dog turns to me and says ‘well ya know what they say, owners are like their pets ah Gia’ .
SD - If you don’t know each other well, the comment can’t mean much. Sounds like she was just trying to get a rise out of you for whatever reason.
You don’t have to provide it. (You *could* act dumb and pretend -you didn’t catch what was said.)
I almost lost it. Rage ran from my hands to my head and down to my feet. I excused myself and left.
SD - Why do you think you reacted so strongly?
Were you shamed and belittled as a child? Why should you feel inferior to your neighbors?
Today I have thought of a million comebacks I could have said but I’m not that person. How is it we can take a passing comment to heart like that and let it grow into something truly horrible to sit in.
SD - Yes, been there. But rumination and obsession aren’t worth the energy. What do we get out of that? Is there some reward mechanism that we've learned?
SD - Quotes
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Eleanor Roosevelt
“Care about people’s approval and you will always be their prisoner” – Lao Tsu
I can say for sure now I will not attend ever again.
SD - You can do that, but that may not be the best way to deal with it. It means you’re being unnecessarily brittle by holding on to the memory and giving it more weight than it deserves, no?
I still feel angry and defensive.
SD - Try to let it go. (You may have, given the real-life issues that have transpired in the meantime.)
Wishing you the best.