Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by MNyby »

Okey-doeky, snoringdog, let me skip the black hole question for now, please.

The question you asked about vocabulary usage is first.

I sense that the use of "requires" as a substitute for "takes" is adding a sense of urgency to the situation.

'it requires time' seems like a statement of a kind of hurry up and get to it /// whereas 'it takes time' seems a little more relaxed. I'd also correlate the same to the use of "urgent" & "relaxed" with 'courage' BUT not for that 'village' line.

I would opine that "it takes a village" should always be offered as a 'relaxed' state.

But I have to confess that I am not sure the purpose of your question about that vocabulary usage --- takes or requires.

As for being profound, were you referring to the light from the Sun thought?

There is a lot to be profound about light. That we actually have the gift of sight to be able to see "visible light" is a profoundness of its own making. If you really want to get profound one should consider the influence the very ancient Greeks had upon Sir Isaac Newton when he decided to add a seventh color to his list.

So much about light that is profound.
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by snoringdog »

Hello MNyby,
Just trying to understand your initial post, that's all. Seemed to be a riddle.
Language - so many nuances and shades of meaning....

As far as light - yes indeed. We can see so little of it, an yet it conveys so much to us!

Not sure about Newton and the Greeks, but you're referring the his inclusion of a seventh color called "Indigo", right?
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by MNyby »

Yes, you are exactly right about that inclusion of indigo.

It has been written by scholars that he did that, in part, because of some influence from his studies of something from the past cultures that considered the number 7 to be special. I actually do not remember so well what I studied on that topic so very many years ago, so I am going to now cheat and draw upon the Wikipedia folks to explain that stuff about that number seven:

In fact, I think I was taught by some teacher that we have seven days in a week because of that thinking that the number 7 is so special.

I also seem to remember that some scientists and/or scholars after Mr. Newton's days taught their students that indigo isn't actually a special colour. or something like that. Again, I am using a faulty memory and may be wrong. I let my brain wander too much, don't I?
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by snoringdog »

I came across this poem a while ago, and the last four lines really get to me.
(Maybe it's his beautiful accent)

“Begin” by Brendan Kennelly

Begin again to the summoning birds
to the sight of the light at the window,
begin to the roar of morning traffic
all along Pembroke Road.
Every beginning is a promise
born in light and dying in dark
determination and exaltation of springtime
flowering the way to work.
Begin to the pageant of queuing girls
the arrogant loneliness of swans in the canal
bridges linking the past and future
old friends passing though with us still.
Begin to the loneliness that cannot end
since it perhaps is what makes us begin,
begin to wonder at unknown faces
at crying birds in the sudden rain
at branches stark in the willing sunlight
at seagulls foraging for bread
at couples sharing a sunny secret
alone together while making good.
Though we live in a world that dreams of ending
that always seems about to give in
something that will not acknowledge conclusion
insists that we forever begin.

— From The Essential Brendan Kennelly

He reads it here, starting at the 1 minute mark

Here, in a call-in talk show referenced in the above, as comfort to a woman who had just lost her daughter in an auto accident. :cry:

(at the 11 minute 30 second mark)
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by Mental Fairy »

That is beautiful SD, very much appreciate this today.
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by snoringdog »

Reposting this here

"Permission to Speak"
(Sandra Cisneros & Joy Harjo)

i've turned to the river
to the starlings gathered there at twilight
moon in their throats

all i want is the music
to keep me breathing
this dancing
this whirl of my heart

Don't know why, but the music of words can sink deep into me.
Like talismans to hold onto sometimes.

(Can a touch of obsession be part of that? :eusa-think: )
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by Mental Fairy »

Oh I like that. For some reason it makes me think of the book, Where The Crawdads Sing.
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by snoringdog »

I just watched a film called "The Volcano – Rescue from Whakaari”

It's about the eruption of the volcano in New Zealand at the end of 2019 that killed 22 people.

(I remember reading about it then, but that's also when Covid was revving up and we were watching it move across the planet, so it wasn't front page).

The film is quite well done, by Rory Kennedy. Emotional and affecting.
Cell phone footage of the absolute beauty of NZ, but also the terror of that day. Might be a difficult watch.

But during the interviews of the survivors and their rescuers, two quotes stuck with me -

One from a private helicopter pilot who flew in to rescue some of the badly burned survivors
...You know, when people are down and out, and nearly gone, words are tremendously powerful…
And a friend of one of the guides who was lost -
“You do, you look for little moments... you look for signs I guess, to find your ways of moving forward…”
Wow. Yes.
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by Mental Fairy »

It was a day none of us will forget about. Much like the Christchurch Earthquake.

There is a book I recommend you read SD, We Can Make A Life, by Chrissie Henry. If you can’t get it let me know and I will post it over to you, I have a copy. The other one is Decline And Fall Of Savage Street by Fiona Farrell. Both incredible reads. Decline and fall of Savage street is written from the perspective of the home as a narrator. The house will walk you through its journey, at the beginning of every chapter there is a chapter by chapter update with the eel in the creek in the lower garden being the narrator of its lifespan alongside this home. That book is one book I would read many times and just sit with its words dancing in my mind. I planted a garden at home in honour of that book.
The other one is a compelling read of one of our doctors who was greatly effected by the Christchurch Earthquake. Again a book I recommend many times over.

That day when White Island blew the country just stopped, the same with Christchurch. We were living in Dunedin when the earthquake hit and watching the opposite side of the street go one way while we went the other. To this day when we have earthquakes everyone gets that pale face look waiting for it to stop.

Not sure if you have seen the article but yesterday we were informed of what’s going to potentially happen here at home.

Standing at the foot of the mountain yesterday on the banks of the stoney river I was taken back by the scale of what could happen here. We have only two ways out of our town, both bridges are only two way bridges that are in the path of the mountain and predicted flow of lava. Only way for us to get away would be put to sea, but even then getting a boat out in time would be next to impossible. Plus I get seasick!!!!!!

If you would like a copy of the books sent over PM me and can post if you can’t get them.
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Re: Helpful Thoughts or Quotes

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Mental Fairy

One last quote I forgot to add-
In the Face of Mother Nature, and all that she can throw at us... still I remember that, as humans, we'll always have each other...
(I want to align myself with those who jump in to help, like the fellows in the documentary).

And thank you for the book recommendations and the offer.
I should be able to get them, but if not, I'll let you know!

It's incredible how much information can be gleaned from this planet through geological science, in this case about the volcano.

I certainly hope nothing happens, but if it does, that there's plenty of time and an understanding of how things might unfold so timely evacuation plans can be made.

The Kraffts were working towards a better understanding of the workings and timings of "Grey" volcanoes as they referred to them, after seeing the pyroclastic devastation in the country of Colombia, and the lack of warning available.
Only way for us to get away would be put to sea, but even then getting a boat out in time would be next to impossible. Plus I get seasick!!!!!!
Seasickness would be the least of it. ;)

If nothing else, at least try to have three truck inner tubes standing by for you and the boys. :lol:
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