Today went well.
I am starting to develop confidence I am unfamiliar with. I should probably say, that I did not think was in me.
I finally finished the PTSD CPT (Cognitive Processing Therapy) workbook today. I am surprised with how well it worked for what it was. I am curious to try more workbooks if they are of similar quality.
I took pains to go deliberately slow today; to show myself the benefits of, and that nothing is lost by doing so.
I am becoming more and more aware of ‘ambivalence’ (being torn). I think maybe it is not a state to get upset about (as I have done all my life). In fact, if I face towards it calmly it may actually serve a purpose; deliver a valuable clue.
I felt my ‘cause’ today though I don’t see it settling into specific words any time soon.
Midafternoon was delightful.