
This is a great way to begin using the site and to give us a chance to get to know you. We can't connect with you if we don't know what's going on with you!
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Posts: 2
Joined: March 6th, 2017, 7:17 am
Gender: nonbinary
Issues: anxiety, depression, body image issues, codependancy, possible C-PTSD.
preferred pronoun: they


Post by theraddest&strongest »

Wow, It's been a while since I've been on a forum like this :D

Anyway, hi everyone, I am "theraddest&strongest" (haven't decided on a nickname to go by on here that won't be too recognizable). I started listening to the podcast about 6 months ago and I'm excited to be finally checking out the forum! I struggle with anxiety, periods of depression, body dysmorphia issues, codependancy, and prroobbabblyyy C-PTSD (it's unfortunate that's not currently recognized by the DSM, but it fits me to a T and I'm glad there is more research being done on the possibility of PTSD that comes from prolonged periods of trauma and presents a little differently because of that). Most of that ties into some trauma stuff that I went through, including "pretty bad" childhood bullying, an emotionally abusive and very manipulative relationship in my teen years, and a few other events/relationships that just kinda re-traumatised me along the way. I am also nonbinary/genderfluid and bisexual, which have been pretty big factors in my life and mental health. I've processed and done a lot of work on myself around these things over the past few years, but I only just recently started seeing a therapist and working through it all with a professional- its kind of an odd place to be in, going from being your own therapist and keeping it all to yourself to suddenly starting to open up and REALLY get to work on things, but hey, I'm glad to be finally doing it :)

Wow that's a lot! Anyway, I look forward to hopefully connecting here and getting to know some fellow listeners :)
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Posts: 3412
Joined: October 3rd, 2011, 9:04 am
Gender: Male
Issues: Depression, Anxiety
preferred pronoun: he
Location: Orange County, CA

Re: Hello!

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello "theraddest&strongest" :D Great forum name!

Welcome to our little forum. Make yourself at home in the threads and topics here.

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Please take care, all the best.
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