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Overcoming Sleepy Days Like Yesterday 00
slept a lot yesterday, abused smartphone use a lot yesterday
done without intention
failure is always an option
when I didn't allow for possibility of failure, I would sabotage my work because pressure was too great and I didn't like what it said about my priorities and focus
stressful because denied an option
lack of base determination
something I do that doesn't work out
dead end - because why try something hard at all
some overlap between sin and failure
learned it was easy to sin at an early age
something i heard from my parents
sometime the best is not right, when bringing up a child
hindered exploration to try new things
definition of 7 to 11 year old
be at peace, don't be scared of failure
think of exploration, think of freedom
be at peace with the truth
not even trying
so very proud you tried
works out or not, still competent
not a failure if you fall down 7 times and get up 8 times
try, try again
the new definition of success & failure is freedom and freeing
i can explore
i can be free
i am competent
black and white thinking
OK to not be good at some things
the ultimate goal is manifesting my goals/values into the world
what are my goals & values?
desired experiences
Baseline habitual actions
even slightest stress or slightest boredom or slightest uncertainty leads to managing my mood in an unsustainable way
ways of managing my mood
web browsing
Desired actions - new habits
dive in, swallow that frog
always have opinion about what do next, how long, what do after that
but be compassionate if fall off the wagon
realize that we are sacrificing freedom, and that is a real sacrifice, so behooves me to reward self for doing so
hmm, what rewards?
be a warrior for good
but with compassion for the self, so can sustain and persevere
how best to reset?
if tired
work a little, then take a short nap