Do I need a Wellbutrin Increase?

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Do I need a Wellbutrin Increase?

Post by Kenzie »

I'm on the musical chairs of meds. Started with effexor, hated it. Went to Celexa & vistaril, usless, made me nod off at work. Changed doctors and started Prozac.

2 weeks ago, we added wellbutrin. I know it takes up to 6 weeks to be effective, but what are the signs that I need an increase?
If I'm feeling -nothing- at 6 weeks.. does it mean I need an increase or does it mean that it's not effective.

Currently on 150mg in the morning and -that's it-. Seems really low in comparison to what most with MDD take.
In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it. -Mitch Albom
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