Considering hospitalization

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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by oak »

ncj wrote:Hi, Oak -

I have to admit I'm a bit wary of the EAP - I once found the most god-awful therapist that way.
Very good!

I ask about EAP not because of the mixed record of counseling it provides, but because of the legal protections of something like Hyatt Legal Services.

I say this because of the horror stories (Girl, Interrupted or the recent exposes) of how, when one has insurance, it is very easy to committed. ... nsdaXQ5k1a

Just a thought: you may want to get a power of attorney or somesuch. Remember that for all their talk about care, they are big corporations.

Good luck. Keep us posted.
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Lady Elaine
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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by Lady Elaine »

I am also considering hospitalization. I just saw my psychiatrist today and she suggested it. I also have kids--9 and 12. I totally understand the appeal of community in a hospital setting. I just want to be around people who know what it feels like to be crazy, too.

It's so scary. I don't know what to do. I've spoken to a friend who has been hospitalized recently at the same facility, so that brings me some comfort, but it's still just such a big deal. And I worry about talking to my kids about it.

So, anyway, I hope you're doing well. Whatever you decide, know that you've got an internet stranger rooting for you.
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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by ncj »

Hi, Lady Elaine -

First off, your avatar is fantastic. :) Thank you for your kind words - I'm rooting for you as well. As fate would have it, I developed a horrible eye infection the night before I was going to the treatment center, so I am still at home.

I hear you when you talk about the fear involved with hospitalization. I'm glad you have a friend you can talk to who's been there, though. I also struggle with how to discuss these things with my kids, but they are old enough to understand some of the pain/struggle that comes with life. As moms, I think one of the best things we can do is model for them the behaviors and traits we want them to absorb. Your kids seeing you get help and feeling better - what a gift that could be (for all of you).

Wishing you well and keep us posted,

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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by rivergirl »

I've been wondering this week how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear about your eye infection and hope it has cleared up. Please take care of yourself and let us know how things go.

Lady Elaine,
I had the same thought about your avatar. Brings back childhood memories that I didn't even know I had. I'm wishing all the best for you and your kids.

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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by fifthsonata »

First, let me say I have great respect for you considering this route. You may not see it this way, but you're putting your kids first by putting YOU first - a healthy mom means a better parent.

Second, do some research about different facilities. Maybe talk to your therapist about what you're wanting to achieve with this hospitalization, where they recommend you go, and if your insurance will cover it. Most hospitals are more about stabilization, finding the right meds, giving you some coping tools, and sending you on your way. If you're looking for something more, a residential treatment facility may be a better option. However, they are stupidly expensive.

Having been to a psychiatric ward in a hospital as an adult - if you want long-term results, an inpatient facility will be much better.
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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by EmeraldArcher »

I was hospitalized for depression for a week back in 2004. I want to share some of the pros and cons.

-You'll see doctors daily.
-There's a good chance that the doctors will figure out your issues because you're in a controlled environment that they monitor.
-Friends and family can visit you.
-Self-care is very easy in a hospital because they give you your meals and your basic needs.

-Extremely expensive
-Your fellow patients might be loud, they might be angry, and they might have terrible moods.
-You'll be cut off from a lot of the people you know who can't or won't visit you.
-There's very little to do so it can be very boring.
-You don't have a lot of freedom - they'll take away anything they think you'll use to harm yourself.
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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by ncj »

Thank you, fifthsonata and EmeraldArcher, for your thoughts. I so appreciate them! I haven't been on the forum in a bit, but I'm hanging in there. I started a new job recently, and it's been such a source of stress/anxiety. Does everyone feel like a complete imposter when they start a new job, or is it just me? :?

Anyway, wishing you guys the best, and thank you for your support,

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Re: Considering hospitalization

Post by rivergirl »

Hello nj,
I'm glad to hear that you're hanging in there, but I'm still concerned about you. Starting a new job can be a major source of stress even without pre-existing depression going on.
I do understand that feeling of being an impostor. I get that occasionally even with my long-term job.

I hope you've found some more support and aren't feeling quite so alone.

Sending my best wishes to you and your kids, and a big hug. Please continue to let us know how things are going for you.

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