37 From Oklahoma with Bipolar Disorder

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37 From Oklahoma with Bipolar Disorder

Post by celticfan32 »

Hello everyone ! This is my first day of discovering this website and podcast. I have been looking for something to help me cope and educate me on my disorder. Possibly make new friends that know what I am going through so that we can help each other. I think it's better to talk to someone who understands than try to tell someone else because it seems you have to verify everything that you say so they would or will understand. I'm tired of getting the head nods like they understand but they really don't. they don't say anything just nod because they don't know what to say and then you get upset at them but it's really not their fault they don't understand...then you get mad because you think they should. I am someone that has no support system but myself. I have a family but they just don't seem to want to understand or listen. So, I guess that is why I am here. I hope we can learn something from someone and maybe i can help as well. If you have read this far I appreciate it.
Glock therapy
Posts: 59
Joined: June 25th, 2012, 2:38 pm
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Issues: Depression, isolation, procrastination, shame
preferred pronoun: He

Re: 37 From Oklahoma with Bipolar Disorder

Post by Glock therapy »

Just wanted to shout to ya, say "right on" with trying to get at what's going on with you. Hope you find wellness and satisfaction... even if you are a Celtics fan. BTW, I assume it's the team and not the ethnicity you're a fan of? If it's the ethnicity--Celt? Celtic?-- then all the best with no reservations :)
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