Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

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Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by SpookyGhost »

35 year-old barista (and listener) Charlynn Schmiedt shares about having misophonia which is a "fight or flight" physical response to certain everyday sounds, such as gum chewing, throat clearing etc. and the complications and misunderstanding that arise out of having to interact with people who don't think it is a "real thing". Charlynn also shares about having an eating disorder in her 20s as well as depression and anxiety. Her husband Patrick sits in to also share what it is like to live with someone with misophonia.

Follow Charlynn on Twitter at @OhTheProfanity

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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by Hail Ceasar »

To the person who asked about haircut fetishes in a survey at the end(or anybody interested), the is a group on FetLife called "Aroused By Haircuts" you might find interesting.
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

This may not be the right place to ask this, but it seems as good a place as any.

Is misophonia only an anger response to certain sounds? Because I have a hard time with a lot of the same sounds that people describe (chewing sounds, etc.), but they don't make me angry as much as they fill be with despair that it will never end and that I'm not going to survive it.

Same thing?
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by Beany Boo »

I have a theory.

As an infant (pre-linguistically) those sounds are "mistaken" for the first vestiges of communication. You recognise their significance because you're making similar sounds. They signal the approach and presence of some strange, overwhelming force you can't control, escape or keep. If for whatever reason you're suffering trauma during infancy those sounds are "tagged" with that trauma. That imprint goes with you through your life; an echo of first moments, where there was no filter.
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Interesting idea.

I've had misophonia at certain times, but not constantly. I guess I was stressed at the time, and was around the person (a relative) for a prolonged period. Took the slurping etc as lazy and inconsiderate. (Athough in retrospect, a sinus condition the person had may have contributed).

Interesting fact- in Japan, slurping noodle soup is customary, and it's a minor mark in growing up when a child develops the lung power to slurp an entire noodle in one go!

Wonder what kind of misophonia then, a Japanese person might have...?
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Not rage, but get annoyed at the obtrusive TVs in waiting rooms. Volume is usually too high.

Also when someone is watching a movie or series in the same room, and I'm not.
Sound track is annoying or disturbing, depending on the show...
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Gas engines droning.
Motorcycles roaring loud...
Grating sounds of Spring!
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Cellophane Tape Gun
Shrieking across the cardboard...
Sets my teeth on edge...!
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Leaf Blowers droning
Leaves and Nerves all a-swirling...
Why can't people Rake..?!!!
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Re: Episode 317: Misophonia: Rage at Certain Sounds

Post by snoringdog »

Startle Response High!
Smallest sounds make me edgy.
I guess I'm just tired....
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