Episode 115: Ashly Burch

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Episode 115: Ashly Burch

Post by shanarchy »

There are so many wonderful quotes from this interview! Some, in random order, are:

"I have anxiety and I obsess over, often, really mundane things like I thought I had a cavity once and I almost had a panic attack for like two days! It was stupid." -Ashly

"Situational sadness is to depression what the Olive Garden is to Italy." -Paul

"Having anxiety or depression is almost like you're an X-Men. It's like a superpower. It gives you like insight that other people maybe don't have, but it's also a curse because you're miserable all the time." -Ashly

"When you are addicted to something, it makes you act irrationally, ilogically...Compromise your morals and your integrity, makes it hard for you to connect with people." -Ashly & Paul

"Trying to quit an addiction is like dancing with a gorilla. You don't decide when the dance is over." -Paul
This one's my favorite. I'll definitely be using it along with saying that you can quit what you are addicted to, but not your addiction to it.

"You are more talented than you think, more beautiful than you know, and more loved than you can imagine." ~Kandee Johnson
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Re: Episode 115: Ashly Burch

Post by shanarchy »

Other fabulous ones are:

"One of my big problems, because I have problems with anxiety, is always needing to feel validated that what I think and feel is normal or okay."-Ashly

"I gotta hide my unnormalness from everybody, how can I present an acceptable presentation to the world so I won't be rejected?" -Paul

"You can control people as much as you want, tell them as much as you want, give them consequences as much as you want, but if they haven't admitted that they are ready to change and learn a new way of living and asking for help, there's nothing you can do." -Paul

This episode is so much more than about having anxiety, depression and/or addiction. But, I can relate so much to all these quotes that I feel they're describing me. It's amazing.

Ashly is so young to have gone through such an extraordinary experience, yet shows a maturity that I don't think I have, yet.

"You are more talented than you think, more beautiful than you know, and more loved than you can imagine." ~Kandee Johnson
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Re: Episode 115: Ashly Burch

Post by gfyourself »

Thanks for the quotes Shanarchy!

This turned out to be a really good episode. The first 30 or 40 minutes were a bit slow for me because I found it difficult to relate but it was excellent after that.

Paul that's great to suggest that people come to the forum. I hope they do and that you don't have so many people asking for a personal response when (in my opinion, anyway) it's not necessary. Plus if people post in the forum (or do a survey) instead of emailing you then perhaps you'll have more time to be in the forum!
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Re: Episode 115: Ashly Burch

Post by lizardqueen »

Did anyone else notice this? Ashly said she was with David for 5 years. That means when they began dating, she was 17 and he was 25. A red flag raised in my mind, as a great age difference in a relationship involving a teen is usually a symptom of a chaotic upbringing. Added to the disparity in the relationship, David was an addict.
This episode raised more questions than it answered. When Ashly has healed sufficiently from her recent loss, I hope she retuns to address these, as it would make a great podcast.
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Re: Episode 115: Ashly Burch

Post by Jose »

Interesting you should bring that up, Lizardqueen ( and welcome, BTW ). I often wonder about what's going on in people's lives to make them seek out relationships with such an age difference. I'm 25 right now and I couldn't imagine being with someone that young, no matter how attractive they are or the fact that they've 'blossomed' sexually doesn't excuse that they're not fully formed as a person yet. At my age I still don't feel like I've come into my own, but I'm definitely better off than I was at 17. I didn't know what was going on with my brain then, those were scary times. Maybe that's what teenagers like about older partners, someone who's been through that hectic phase and managed to find some self assuredness in their life, whether they're accomplished or not. That must be an attractive quality to some people. I just worry about situations where people like Ashly get involved with someone who's become stuck in their ways as an 'adult' with unhealthy habits and behavior that are bound to rub off negatively on the other person.

This might be a touchy subject, but I need to voice it anyway. Did any of you notice how Ashly kept raising her boyfriend up as this faultless, perfect guy, and seemed to internalize some of the blame for his problem? It makes me think that they were in a co-dependent relationship where he needed someone like her to worry and fawn over him to continue seeing himself as this 'helpless' person and feed his addiction. My heart goes out to Ashly and I hope she finds a way to move on from this life changing event, but I couldn't help but wonder how 'stable' this relationship actually was or if Ashly might have a savior complex. In any case, all my best to her. I hope I don't offend anyone who might have gone through a similar situation, I know it's a heavy topic. I'm just trying to understand how these patterns develop in unhealthy relationships.
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