Episode 133: Adrienne Selbert

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Re: Episode 133: Adrienne Selbert

Post by Cinnamon »

I just got around to listening to the post this week and I find the responses as interesting as the show.
yeah, I found Paul's response a bit out of character for him because it was a rare instance of his sharing not aiding our understanding of the guest.

But I think the point wasn't really sexuallity per se... I would have asked, well, what else did her parents do, where else were there no limits, was this a dramatic symptom of parents not limiting her and she felt she had to be freely sexual because they expected it and she wasn't ready?

Coz I suspect that if they were permissive there, they were permissive in other ways, emotionally or whatever, to prove their own "open self" instead of parenting....
because she seems like someone looking for someone to tell her stop it.
When she comments that she KNEW that she would be found out and ruin her marriage - she was looking for someone to put in boundaries and limits.

Which religion does.
yes, sadly I have seen religion used in lots of weird ways and unhealthy ways (to condemn, judge, as addiction, etc) but with her, I felt like she needed what she didn't get as a kid - someone/something in charge of her life and setting limits of some emotional sort.

As for the religion/addiction comments - I was surprised how many mentioned that...a subject for a podcast pro and con maybe?
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