Teresa Strasser

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nucking futs
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Teresa Strasser

Post by nucking futs »

I loved this podcast!!! I related to so many of the things she talked about. Food addiction, based on what she said her symptoms were, I definitely have a food addiction. I have eaten food out of the trash can, I have continued to eat after I have said, "just one more bite". I end up feeling ashamed and then comes the depression because I am too weak and I haven't done enough to control my weight. Eventually a downward spiral and guess what, I am eating again. And when Paul mentioned Adele's "Someone Like You", I was horrified. I really like that song and can listen to it over and over. What is the threshold on how many times I can listen to that song in a row before I have to commit myself?
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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Bless your soul, nucking futs. Was munching on beef jerky waiting to pick up my daughter from school. :oops:

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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by threeletters »

I can't even tell you how much I related to this podcast. I've listened to it at least three times. I had no idea that other people had those types of stories with food. I don't think my addiction is as bad as hers but I definitely have to be extremely careful what kind of food I have in my house because if it's there I will eat it. I'm a snacker so I just basically pick at it until it's gone. I think for me it relieves anxiety more than anything because I get all this pent up energy and if I'm eating then I'm doing something instead of sitting there with my emotions.

Her story wanting to "just go" is so powerful and struck a chord with me. Although I don't want to commit suicide there are times when I literally want to pack up a suitcase and run away to a new town and cut off contact with everyone I know. Sometimes just the thought of being able to escape is enough to get me through the day. Teresa's story made me feel not as alone in feeling that way and I can't thank her enough for it. It also made me feel better to know that it takes so much to keep her sane. I often lament that I'll probably have to be in therapy forever, but if I can ever feel as put together as she presents hereself then it will all be worth it.

As Teresa says in the interview, we just need to take it one day at a time.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. ~ Kahlil Gibran
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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by PeaceSeeker »

I'm late to the game, but I just had to write to say ... This interview with Teresa was one of the most powerful touching things I have ever heard. I've listened to Teresa with AC for several years. Every time she talks about her upbringing it reminds me of my own - where she was raised, the kind of mother she had, riding busses and flying alone as a small child, being separated from my brother and on and on. I loved her on the show and I miss hearing her every day. I so fully understand her feelings about herself, everyone she loves and most especially, her son. I get her NEED to know that she is succeeding in being the opposite kind of mother that she had. I've never heard anyone express the deeply rooted, all emcompassing emotions of LOVE, joy, longing, despair, hopelessness and hope, that I also have. I share the fear that the way I was treated in childhood will forever shape me, that the unsafe sick scary feeling will never dissipate and I am too broken to be the good mother that I NEED to be. It was so cathartic for me to hear someone I greatly admire & respect,saying she sometimes feels the same feelings I sometimes do .... exquisite soul crushing pain that you just need to stop. Teresa, you are so courageous to share yourself with us this way and I'm so glad your father was there to take your call! Your honesty is such a gift and I just want to THANK YOU and Paul for it :!: It gives me great hope to know I'm not alone as Paul always says. :D
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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Teresa is back on the Adam Carolla podcast weekly - with a segment on "monster moms". Teresa is pregnant again with another boy, btw.

I am sure everyone knows of Teresa's book "Exploiting My Baby" - pick it up, it is great! 8-)
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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by ceela »

I wish this podcast could have lasted another 6 hours - except that I would have had to get more kleenex. I'm going to listen to this one again. And maybe again. Thank you both so much for this one - I got so much out of it. Thank you thank you thank you. :cry:
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Re: Teresa Strasser

Post by norskheks »

I just listened to this episode and felt so gratified. First, to hear someone else's stories about eating disorders, it was like going to an OA meeting but better because it was like going to an OA meeting where another person there is a young, funny comedian (all the OA members near me are nice but retirement-age and I have problems relating to them a lot). Second, I loved her revelation that she was NOT her mom. I don't want to have children, but still, every time I read/hear someone say "everyone turns into their parents" it TERRIFIES me that it's true, that maybe it's just not possible to not turn into your parents. I'm so relieved to hear of an instance where it's definitely possible. And I loved that she had so much ammo for the Fear-Off. I would too. 'Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a list of my fears that's not infinite? Hmm, that's going to be difficult...' :doh:
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