Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

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Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by ghughes1980 »

Just finishing this one, it's very good. I'm glad to see that there is new information in this interview that was not rehashed from Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla appearances (Which was my fear). PTSD is very difficult and I am happy that someone, somewhere has found a path through it.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by gfyourself »

The war stories in this episode are fascinating and compelling. I bet the book that was referenced "On Killing" is really interesting as well.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by ColemanSilk »

Not much to add, except this was an incredibly compelling episode.

I can't relate to the combat stories but I commend Mr. Lewis for his efforts to reach out to others who went through what he did. I imagine there must be a terrible stigma among veterans re: seeking psy help. I hope some listen and are inspired to seek help.

Also Paul did his usual excellent job of drawing the guest's stories out, walking that fine line between anarchy and taking too much control. Thanks again Paul for a wonderful podcast.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by Cheldoll »

This was SUCH a good episode. At first I wasn't sure that I'd be able to find much to relate to, but Paul did a great job of interviewing this amazing man and drawing similarities that his average listener would be able to identify with. I found myself alternating between something akin to hero-worship of this Green Beret and bawling my eyes out at what he witnessed (or mentioned others had witnessed) so much that I hardly realized over two hours had gone by with this episode. Awesome awesome.

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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by girlonthe3rdfloor »

I am only half way through this episode and really find it difficult to continue listening. I think Paul have done his worst interview, listening to ALL 105 episode. WAR; its invasion of other land against their consent, its death of million innocent people including children who never will have the chance to live, its forced migration of so many family .. the list goes on forever and the questions or comment was so focused on "Combat detail" .. and how Robert keep using the word "we" as if he had the right to go to war and kill or be killed. DISREGARD to two nation, and their devastation .. and the laughter or funny comment in between!!! I found all of it so offensive.
It just happen that I am reading this book by MALALAI JOYA called; A Woman Among Warlords who talk about 30 yrs of war in Afghanistan. I don't even want to get started with Iraq where after so many years Bush said oops we were wrong about the nuclear plan .. we basically went there for "OIL" not democracy..etc why is it that a 2 hours episode does not reflect important question that should be asked or answer, given the fact that this is the first time this show inviting some one who is back from TWO war??? I have alot more to say but I will when I can get myself to listen to the rest of the episode, and I hope the guest will say something about 'HUMANITY" and the price we all have paid including soldier who's life is never the same ..and the high rate of suicide amongst those who did not lost their live there. This is the worst interview I have listened to by any host or guest trying to cover the tragedy of war in its ugliness and aftermath. SOOOOOOOO disappointed Paul that both of you did not delve into the responsible honest space to really reach out to all of us so we can get a glimpse of the horror anyone face once in war.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by ghughes1980 »

Please listen to the whole interview.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by girlonthe3rdfloor »

I finished the episode and did not hear anything that made me feel different. I will also say that I have the most compassion for young men & women who come back from war suffering. I leave this quote- have nothing more to say;

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
― Howard Zinn
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by ghughes1980 »

As long as you finished it and know have all the info there in, it's fine not to like the subject matter. I don't see a problem with not liking the interview. The interviews can't be winners for all listeners. Just look at the opinions of the Ali Handel interview. It's fantastic that the interviews that Paul does can get a response positive or negative.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by amycoffeeface »

This episode was so eye opening for me, my brother is war vet so to get a small idea of some of what he went through. I cried several times listening to it, and I was able to message my brother and reach out to him and we engaged in a good talk. I may not agree with what is going on over seas, but I love my brother and I love and support him. he has severe PTSD. I am so thankful that I found a way that I was able to communicate with him.
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Re: Episode 106: Robert Patrick Lewis

Post by ghughes1980 »

Yeah you don't have to agree with military or government to understand someone with stress needs support. It's weird that people say: "You're in this camp or that one so screw you and your opinions." People who have PTSD don't need that! They need understanding and compassion not a lecture. It doesn't matter if they agree or disagree with war for example. they certainly don't need someone minimizing their experience based on political leanings. They are back and could really use assistance not judgment. If they believe in the cause is irrelevant, they went through a trauma and they need help, that is that.
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