Episode 85: Brenda Feehery

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Episode 85: Brenda Feehery

Post by BoringlyAverageGirl »

I've been listening to the archive episodes - after listening to my first Mental Illness Happy Hour in May, I have become completely and totally addicted. I should probably talk to my therapist about that.

Anyway... I just got to episode 85 and nearly had to pull off to the side of the street I was so engrossed.

I remember when that attack happened in 1994. We all saw it on the news, read it in the local paper - a woman was attacked in a van in the grocery store parking lot - a store my family, my friends, many of us shopped at. I was just a teenager, about the age of the boy who attacked Brenda. I didn't know him, but I went to the other school in the district, Rich South (Rich Central and Rich East were mentioned by Brenda). Funny, I didn't remember that he went to East. I do remember being scared about parking lots after that. My mom was kind of freaked out. Particularly since I worked at a grocery store (not the one she was attacked at).

I loved hearing Brenda's story - particularly hearing how amazing of a woman she is and her survivor's spirit. There are a lot of amazing guests on the show but Brenda's comment that 'she wouldn't let him win' really resonated with me. I love how she spoke of her strong family support system as the way she made it through. It seems all to often we are slaves to our emotions and feelings letting them get the better of us. Hell yeah for her for being better than that.

It's funny... how things from so many years ago just kinda sit in the back of your mind - there were other aspects of violence in our town - people being shot, burglaries, fights, and gangs - but that horrible attack in a grocery store parking lot was something that stayed and bothered me. I never really realized it. Hearing Brenda tell her story and how strong she is - her beautiful survivor spirit - somehow inspired... I feel I have some renewed energy for me to be strong myself. Don't let them win. You control you - they don't get a say.

I also absolutely love hearing my local Chicago south burbs sensibilities come across on a podcast. Damn that was awesome.

Thank you, Brenda, for being you.
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