Paxil (Sexual Side Effects)

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Paxil (Sexual Side Effects)

Post by Leif »

This is probably a bit of an awkward conversation for most but I feel this community is definitely one of the more understanding and helpful ones I've ever known so I thought I'd ask for some advice.

So about two months ago I started taking Paxil. Like most people who have taken it have experienced my sex drive is now All Sorts of messed up. It's ridiculously hard to even feel any sort of pleasure let alone orgasm.

To make matters just a bit more interesting, as some of you may know, I am transgender (female to male) so I have girl bits that I usually treat as guy bits. So I already had some issues with this sort of stuff already.

So my question/plead for advice is, what do you do when you're turned on mentally but physically "can't get it up"? I know, it sounds sort of silly but it's making me all sorts of anxious and unfulfilled to not be able to do anything about this. Any advice (or jokes) would be highly appreciated!
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