Citalopram / Celexa for GAD & OCD: Getting Discouraged

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Citalopram / Celexa for GAD & OCD: Getting Discouraged

Post by brazendoxy »

Hello - I'm pretty new to the forums and I'd appreciate any feedback you might have. My Psychiatrist prescribed 10 mg of Citalopram (generic Celexa) & is bumping it up to 20mg after 2 weeks as a treatment for GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and OCD. This new drug is replacing eight months of Prozac which was making me very tired and spacey, and not helping me with compulsive scratching. Today is the first day I'm on the 20mg and I feel so nauseous and tired. I'm getting really discouraged with medication - the problem is I know I need something. I went off medication last year for about 4 months and I really became very much a slave to my disorders during that time. I'm thinking about asking my Doc. about Wellbutrin - has anyone had any luck with it for GAD or OCD?
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