Cypralex and now Wellbutrin XL

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Cypralex and now Wellbutrin XL

Post by SW3NGY »

So I have been on just Cypralex for 7 years now. I have on my own gone off it once. The withdrawals made me feel dizzy and like my vision was slow and trance like. When I'm off it I have a very short temper. I have anxiety and find myself ready to hurt people or just lose it on anything that rubs me the wrong way. I have one side affect on it and its the lack of desire for sex and I have a hard time reaching orgasm and I lose my erection. But I feel I am fairly normal while I'm on it. I have been married for 10 months now and with her for 5 years. She has seen both sides of this pill. She says I need to stay on it. But we have only had sex once ( wedding day) in last 10 months and maybe 2 times in last year and a half or so. I've tried 100 mg Viagra. Doesn't work. So now I am trying Wellbutrin XL. I'm up to 300 mg now and I don't feel it does anything. And I have come off Cypralex. Now I have the worst temper. And snap at my wife. I feel like ending my life as I can't seem to find a normal mood with a desire to have sex. I am going to be trying something different till this works out. I don't know what to try next. I see Mirtazapine is considered one of the best rated with low side effects. I don't know what else to try. I need help now. I have horrible thoughts. Road rage. I get mad at nothing I am super depressed. I can sleep in bed all day I have no reason to leave the bed. I complain about everything now. I make sure to let whoever is pissing me off know exactly what I think. I will end up in jail if this doesn't get fixed. Or hurting myself. I have sat in bed and cried and I dwell on all the negatives in my life and past. I feed off it. I should just use the cypralex but then ill never have sex again. This is he'll trying to he normal. My spell correct makes me want to smash my phone. I told the bank I am pulling all my money out cause they charged me 3% to turn my change into bills. I told the mental health happy our it's retarded they want someone to Buy and wear a shirt promoting the show. Hey look! I'm fucked in the head! I complained to the cops about all the people parking in my neighborhood on the street that don't live there. I complained to Kraft for selling me a delicio pizza that fell through the racks on my oven. I'm obsessed with collecting bottles now. Im being sued by my business partners. I imagine going into a meeting with them and shooting them all in the head. Why can't I just be normal.
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Re: Cypralex and now Wellbutrin XL

Post by SW3NGY »

And an additional note. Since I have stopped taking Cypralex for 2 weeks now, but continue to take Wellbutrin 300 mg. I feel like my head is light headed or detached from my body and for a 32 year old I have has two wet dreams in last 5 days.
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Darkness Inside Me
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Re: Cypralex and now Wellbutrin XL

Post by Darkness Inside Me »

the welllburtin will take about6 weeks to start working. You said you have had these side effects from stopping the cypralex before. It royally sucks changing meds, but if you dont stick with the wellburtin for atleast 6 weeks you won't know if it will work for you. have you talked to your doctor about how you are feeling? If you are feeling unsafe you can go to the er and tell them what is going on. I had to go through a med change in the hospital because I was just too unstable to be trusted.
I have found that taking too much welbutrin can make my heart race and give me too much energy. It creates an anxiety like feeling if I take too much. If you are on too high of a dose or taking too much at once that might be contributing to how you are feeling.
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Re: Cypralex and now Wellbutrin XL

Post by KathTheCat »

I totally relate to your struggle with anxiety.
Have you consider taking both together? Cipralex to control your anxiety and Wellbutrin XL to boost your energy and libido? Hope you feel better now.
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