Surrounded by Awful People

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Surrounded by Awful People

Post by SleepyNinja »

Every day I'm around people or cross paths with people who make it their life's mission is to make you feel like garbage or reinforce their own shitty worldviews. There's a game people play that i call "My pain is the only valid pain and you should suffer because of it". Or constantly being told that i have no problems in my life because i don't have kids, even if i don't complain about anything!

people make it their life's work to be awful, judgemental, shitty, with a seemly never ending capacity to kick you down.
everyone's up in arms about these horrible wide scale acts of violence you hear about every second of the day but a failure to be more decent to each other more consistently. No wonder people are doing horrific things, we're all so goddamn absorbed with spitting the bile of negativity on everything around us.
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Re: Surrounded by Awful People

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello SleepyNinja. Yeah, the last two years my opinion of the human race has really taken a nose-dive.

I try to seek out the few cool-type people who have an internal-locus-of-control, and who try to leave a situation better than they found it.

Please take care, all the best, we here are all cheering for your greatest today and tomorrow!
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Re: Surrounded by Awful People

Post by fifthsonata »

This I understand. I deal with that at work.

For the people who never stop, I am usually point-blank with them. I ignore them or walk away. Even the bosses. Initially, I say something like -

"Your consistent negative attitude is making work unpleasant for me. I'm not going to be around you when you behave in this manner."

Some of them get the hint, and some don't care how they make others feel. They generally feed on the ones paying attention to them - so without an audience they have no show to give. A lot of the people, when they realize how they're making others feel, hold back on this behavior. Of course, don't hold it against them as a person - when they're not spouting the negativity they can sometimes be pleasant.
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