Silver Linings Playbook

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LaMont Cranston
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Silver Linings Playbook

Post by LaMont Cranston »

I just came home from the theater after having seen "Silver Linings Playbook." I have to say that it was one of the best movies that I have seen in a long time.

Paul mentioned a couple of times where it feels almost good to see someone go through depression. I guess in a way that it makes us feel that we're not alone. I felt that tonight. I don't want to go over the plot in this post or reveal the storyline or outcome of the movie in this post, but I urge anyone reading this on this forum to do out and see it. There were a lot of things that just hit home for me tonight. Robert DeNiro role of the father reminded me very much of my father and my relationship with him. There's also a story line where Bradley Cooper goes through the lost of love and how he tries to put his life back together. As I watched it, the major thought that ran through my mind is the same one when I listen to "The Mental Illness Happy Hour;" "Holy Shit, that's me."

I'd like to get the discussion going with anyone in the forum who has seen it and what their thoughts are about the movie. I figured that we could talk about it and just see what we liked and didn't like about the film.

I will say that the one thing that I took from it is pretty much what Paul talks about all the time: we're all pretty much fucked up. If I could add though, those of us that are fucked up and get help are the brave ones, and yes, we're not alone.
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Re: Silver Linings Playbook

Post by Jamous »

LaMont Cranston- Hey, Hey!
I can't wait to see the Silver Linings Playbook. I've wanted to see it since before it hit theaters. Glad to hear someone enjoyed it, and found they could relate to it
If you enjoy a sad documentary (biography) about depression then I suggest the movie BOY INTERRUPTED.
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Re: Silver Linings Playbook

Post by meh »

I saw it with my wife - who calls it and Homeland my bipolar porn.

We loved it.

Favorite part - the dinner party when she asks him 'what meds are you on?'
"Of course you have an active inner life, you're bipolar"
my therapist.
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LaMont Cranston
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Re: Silver Linings Playbook

Post by LaMont Cranston »

Thanks for the responses, and I apologize for not writing back sooner. Thanks for the tip, Jamous.
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