I got out last night. I had a happy mental experience, and thought of you all.

Whether it is good or bad, talk about it here.
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Re: I got out last night. I had a happy mental experience, and thought of you all.

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Oak,

Good job! Careful though, this might become a habit! :D
Social critters that we are (like it or not), facetime is important.

Were you able to make a little small talk at least?
(And I'm sure you could find common ground on cooking and recipes with some of the guests, no?)

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Re: I got out last night. I had a happy mental experience, and thought of you all.

Post by rivergirl »

I'm so pleased about this, Oak.

I hope you'll attend again, and that the previous exposure to the environment will make you feel a bit more confident.

And I like the outfit!
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Re: I got out last night. I had a happy mental experience, and thought of you all.

Post by oak »

@Mental Fairy: Hi and thank you for your post!

I encourage you to attend the gala if you can. If you're interested, I can offer a little mental trick that I used Friday, that you are welcome to borrow.

@Rivergirl: Thank you for the encouragement! Attending is a very intense experience. I am glad we can stand by each other during times like these.
snoringdog wrote: May 7th, 2023, 12:13 pm Were you able to make a little small talk at least?
@SnoringDog: Yes! I chatted up some friendly elderly ladies about textiles, and the ticket person about her travels to London.

People are there because they want to meet cool, interesting people. They want a break from their workaday life. I can focus on the value I can bring to their life, rather than my own anxieties (easier said than done!).

Friends, I'll post more about this intense experience. In the meantime, thank you for standing by me!
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Re: I got out last night. I had a happy mental experience, and thought of you all.

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Oak -

Yes, they've long appealed to me for some reason.
Also, hand-knotted oriental rugs.

Ancient technology that continues to be developed.



Woven textiles are "Clothing 2.0".
A major update to the animal skins worn back in the day. ;)
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