Two small, happy updates: dermatologist inspires, kettlebell adjunct.

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Two small, happy updates: dermatologist inspires, kettlebell adjunct.

Post by oak »

Friends, I have two small, happy updates:


1. As an adjunct to my kettlebell plans for Fall 2023, next month I am going to participate in a grip competition.

I want to try this for three reasons:

A. While I can't cite it this moment, I've seen NIH studies that correlate aging Mens’ grip strength with good health.

B. Grip strength is also an important part of kettlebell.

C. Since I’m all about quick victories, this will give me some low-stakes experience in local strength competitions; eg without something to go on, in 2022, I may lose hope between now and September 2023, when I go the kettlebell competition.

More updates soon!

Interstitial, for our dear friend Mental Fairy:

Hi Mental Fairy! As someone in patient-facing healthcare, do you encourage both strength and good skin choices?

Also, Mental Fairy, speaking of the NIH: do NZ doctors and scientists rely on NIH data? Is it the standard worldwide?

I admire my dermatologist

2. Today I went for my regular skin-check.

I've really come to admire my dermatologist.

He is really together, and smart.

I don't know if he is handsome*, but he has an inner beauty that radiates outwards.

Dermatology, especially as we age, is a serious matter and I want to take my skin health as seriously as he does.

I may post here in the coming weeks about buying a hat**, and daily sunscreen.

For now, I just want to say that I am a better person, and like myself better, after I am around him.

*I can confirm my dermatology crush, his nurse/assistant, is dreamy indeed. She was wearing Halloween scrubs today (sigh)

** A trilby? A pork pie? A beret? I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: Two small, happy updates: dermatologist inspires, kettlebell adjunct.

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hello my dear friend Oak.

Skin, interesting topic and something i am also find incredibly fascinating on many fronts.

In our clinic we are currently concerned about the rising numbers in LS. LS is short for Lichen Sclerosus. Our cases have multiplied beyond belief. Why, not sure. It gets misdiagnosed 95% of the time. More so because the average GP don't get taught much about it. By the time the patients gets to our table the damage is done, and lets just say its devastating to watch. We tend to have to take the patient to theatre and remove as much as we can, or have to seperate the tissues to allow the patient to be able to urinate or pass bowel motions. We had our youngest case in a few weeks ago, age 4.

The skin with LS is susceptible to skin cancer also so it means the patient will need 6 month checks for the rest of their lives. Our country has the highest rate in the world thus far. Studies have been so misleading over the years as not many are recorded ever. We see around 6-9 cases a week for maintenances and care. It is auto immune so the triggers are different for everyone.

The skin on the body requires different care for different areas. Feet get treated differently to hands, hands get treated differently to skin on the chest, back, sculp. However it really come down to the ticking of the boxes by the patient. Hydration internally will help hydration externally.

With also having the highest skin cancer rates we are consistently been told on tv here to slip, slop slap! Sunscreen on regardless of cloud levels. I fear the next generations health stats and i can already see the damage that fast life living is having on the next generation.
The excuse is always, not enough time, not enough money, not enough doctors, not enough medications. I tell patients to listen to their body yes, but also look at it. Stand there and really look at it. Its so hard to do with many as there are underlying traumas to people whom can't look at or acknowledge their own skin, there own body showing them on the external side that something is wrong. Sadly it can cost lives, money and time. Depends on the bracket they fall into and if they care enough.

In regarding to the sharing of medical data it is only really to a select type of doctor whom are heavily invested in their field. Plus the more they share and the more they participate in international data recovery and training/learning events to gain their CBD points. Our medical system here is terrible. Just this morning the news reports on the failing system will make your toenails curl. Just in our cancer hub alone we have only 3 radiographers when we need a minimum of 12. People die before they are treated, and don't get me started on the end of life bill!

We have had three new ovarian cancer masses found this week alone and one of them is a GP. She herself is now facing the worst. Her results just came onto my desk this morning from the scan and sadly we close today for three weeks. So effectively we give her the news and bugger off for three weeks. It makes me feel sick, but for both myself and my colleague we need the break. All our critical patients have my cell number so i can be contacted 24/7. But i wanted that available as i can't live with myself if i didn't give them my details. These are people, whom are scared, whom are worried for not just them but their family. I have people having babies, making babies, dying from ovarian cancer or recovering from it. It doesn't stop at 5pm and restart late November! Sadly many people work like that i just can't.

Today is hard Oak, really hard
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Re: Two small, happy updates: dermatologist inspires, kettlebell adjunct.

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Mental Fairy,

I know this is Oak's thread, but I want to salute you for your humanity and caring.
It's such a sad world we live in, but your patients are lucky to have you.

And you do need a rest... though, when to take it...? as you expressed....

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