Not at the end of my rope but i can see it from here

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Not at the end of my rope but i can see it from here

Post by 50msns »

My soon to be ex came to the cabin this past weekend and got her stuff, sorted out how our other stuff is going to be divided. My pipes that burst last winter are still not replaced. No money. The pump for my well that cracked last winter still hasn't been replaced. No money. The car is undriveable and needs more repairs than what it is worth, but it really doesn't matter because, yep, no money. I am behind on property taxes and am about 6 months to a year from losing land that has been in my family since the 40s.I live 10 miles out from town and there is zero public transport. I called the local clinic where i used to go for counseling and meds. I was told they no longer take my insurance and can't help me. The couple of people here i considered friends are real good about asking for and accepting my help, but when i need help i seem to be on my own. This is really, really starting to wear me down....i am pretty ambivalent about my future.
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Eternally Learning
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Re: Not at the end of my rope but i can see it from here

Post by Eternally Learning »

I know when I didn't have insurance, I was able to find a pro-bono counselling center which hooked me up with a therapist. Perhaps there's something like that in your area? Beyond that, have you considered applying for disability on mental grounds? Not sure what it takes to qualify, but it's worth a shot and something's better than nothing. Also, I've no experience in this area but what about the VA? Surely there's at least something you can apply for to get help, what with your PTSD and all.

Sorry I can't offer anything better than that, but I hope it helps somewhat. Best of luck and keep us in the loop.

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