Excited and terrified

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My poor friend me
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Joined: December 26th, 2012, 5:25 pm

Excited and terrified

Post by My poor friend me »

I've been passively watching job postings in my field for months. Haven't sent out any resumes for most of that time, but today I saw two postings that I really liked and took a huge, scary step: I asked my direct supervisor and my manager for letters of recommendation.

I'm really excited about these two jobs. I can't quite tell if from the postings if they're exactly my dream job, but it exists within the organization, so my dream job would be a short lateral move away at most. And I totally fit the qualifications they're looking for.

But asking for letters of recommendation from my current place of employment is scary, because I almost feel like I'm effectively saying, "Oh, by the way -- I hate you, I hate this job, and I want to leave."

I know that's not how it works. Bosses get asked to write these things all the time. It's routine. And they know I never planned to stay here forever. But still, the discomfort is there.
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Re: Excited and terrified

Post by manuel_moe_g »

It is good to get negative feeling out by recording them in a journal. This forum is a good place for such journal entries.

Wish you all the best in your career! We here are all cheering for your greatest today and tomorrow! :D
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