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Post by MizLzie »

Someone I needed a break from, to stop getting the emails saying I was a shitty person for my thoughts/feelings, has been checking my Tumblr page the last couple of days. I changed my URL to try and hide from her and my ex, and it was on my birthday she decided to snoop around.

She said that I was an "awesome" person, previously... why not send me a happy birthday email instead of stalking my blog 2 days in a row...

I'm nervous that she will continue to monitor my posts. Even if there's nothing of note on there, I got rid of my FB to get away from some people. I don't want to feel like people are checking up on me, it was good for the last couple of months. Makes me want to delete everything, but I have so little in the way of local connections that I'm worried for my sanity if I go offline.

I feel so dumb to even be worried about this shit. So juvenile and silly.
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Re: Nervous...

Post by Herself »

Sorry you have to go through this.

Okay, downside is that anything you do on a public site can be seen. If you're gonna post, you're gonna be seen. But if you haven't posted anything regret-worthy and don't plan to, don't worry so much!

Try to stop giving her so much value. Try to not give a rat's ass what she's doing. Be FREE, little one! You can do it! :dance:
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Joined: September 12th, 2011, 2:29 pm
Issues: Depression, anxiety, anorexia, sexually abused
preferred pronoun: She
Location: Portland, Oregon

Re: Nervous...

Post by Cheldoll »

Happy birthday again! Well, belated now.

That's the problem with the internet, I think... it's hard to avoid a single person without shutting out almost everybody. Keep posting here! We're way cooler anyway. I don't think you're being silly or juvenile. Nobody wants to be stalked, especially by someone who keeps trying to make you feel terrible.

" Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do,
care about many of the things you care about, although most people don't care about them.
You are not alone. " — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
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