Tired or my week

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Joined: March 30th, 2013, 10:14 am

Tired or my week

Post by duck1 »

I feel tired,

I set some goal that I didn't accomplish, it was way too large. Need to break it down,

I acted impulsive in a work situation, I reacted to some stupid remark in a sort of off the sleeve-aggressive-teenager way, (i know i sound obscure, but i'm trying to conceal data-real scared of being identified). I was so scared that I am spirling down. I have up till now did excellent in my job, and I think that part of the reason for getting fied in the previous job was being impuslive.

I feel super fat and I also am pretty fat.

I want to read a little bit of a very good novel I'm reading and go to sleep and have a good night sleep and wake up fresh and set a new goal.

I handed in one of the two papers I needed to hand in!!!!! It felt the best. The paper is not perfect and not excellent but I really want to put behind me my student phase of my life.

It is keeping me back by consuming a lot of my time and in a way it is a nice escape from the world, if I am making any sense. I mean- I can say- i can do less exercise, keep the house messy, not engage in as much social activity as I should, because I have to complete my degreee.

I am one year behind my year, becuase I changed a track and sort of took a semester of for maternity leave. My final year though includes only 2 papers. and I have submitted one.

Thanks for listening :)
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Re: Tired or my week

Post by weary »

I handed in one of the two papers I needed to hand in!!!!! It felt the best.
Awesome! Good job.
It is keeping me back by consuming a lot of my time and in a way it is a nice escape from the world, if I am making any sense. I mean- I can say- i can do less exercise, keep the house messy, not engage in as much social activity as I should, because I have to complete my degreee.
I know what you mean. Be careful, though, because that can bite you in the ass. I have spent my entire adult life putting things like that off until I get done with something "more important", and I got to the point where not only am I not done with the "more important" stuff, but I feel like I cheated myself out of a life.

Really good work on the paper, though. Following through and finishing things is hard. We don't give ourselves enough credit most of the time for stuff like that.
Posts: 175
Joined: March 30th, 2013, 10:14 am

Re: Tired or my week

Post by duck1 »

Hi weary, sometimes, I wish I could just wish I could click the "like" button on some of the repsonses here (how shallow...)

so thanks and "like"

p.s the professor I am handing the work to has a strange policy of telling people "this is your grade" (e.g 80), if you do these impovements you can get a better grade (e.g) 90. I really hope I don't fall to this loop - all this is a seminar paper for a non thesis track, I really want my student life to be over at least for a while.
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