Unnecessary fear of tiredness

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Joined: June 23rd, 2014, 9:53 am

Unnecessary fear of tiredness

Post by ghostmouse »

I'm feeling pretty low-energy right now. Which is okay. It's Sunday afternoon. I'm a little behind on planning for the week ahead, but I'm chipping away at it. I'm not really afraid I won't be ready in time. But I do find that noticing my tiredness right now strikes a note of panic in me. In observing my tiredness, I worry it won't end when it needs to. In some ways, this reaction isn't so surprising, given how intense my depressive episodes have gotten of late. But panic isn't making me more productive, or safeguarding me against depression. It's just making my rest less restful, and putting another negative thought-cycle between me and the things I need to get done.
Posts: 30
Joined: March 23rd, 2014, 12:45 pm

Re: Unnecessary fear of tiredness

Post by TinaMarie1234 »

I'm so sorry that you're struggling with this. It's hard when there is counter-productive emotions and body responses happening just when your body is telling you it needs rest. I have felt something similar, although not as intensively as you describe it. You might have tried this already, but in case you haven't - I have found meditation to help (not something I would normally consider helpful, btw). I have found the Headspace app to help, especially their podcast about sleep-it was similar to something I was taught years ago and has helped me on numerous occasions to get over the multitude of thoughts and worried in my head. You might not find it helpful, but it's worth a try.

Hang in there - we're all hoping that things get better for you and have faith that they will.
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