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Post by Superman »

28 was just diagnosed dyslexia and add the dr says "there nothing but cope with it
Fine something I'm good at" any job I do I feel like I have to fake be good and productive
I make mistakes mix things up some people figure this out and have used it against me
I have to doublecheck how I'm righting this to make sure it makes sense it would help just
To know there is more then me out there. Not sure what I'm going to do for work but right now I'm
A mail man so you could see how that would make for some problems. There are thing I could do like mechanic
But it to late In my life to go to school I'm the only one in my house working and can't do schooling for that and work.
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Re: Dyslexia

Post by Upsetter »

I understand what you are going through. Dyslexia is no fun. On the positive side dyslexics are some of the nicest most understanding people on the planet. I have mild dyslexia + ADD + depression. My father, sisters, nephew and my son also have dyslexia. My son has had a really hard time of it. He is a very intelligent kid but school is rough. T
here are things you can do about dyslexia. If you want to learn more about it I suggest you visit the Susan Barton website http://www.dys-add.com/ There is a lot of information there. If you could get a tutor trained to help people with dyslexia it would help. They said my kid would never read and now he reads well thanks to a tutor. It doesn't take as long as you think.
Also sometimes people with dyslexia get misdiagnosed as having ADD because they get so anxious and distracted and nervous.
Thanks for posting. Dyslexia and depression can go hand in hand unfortunately because it is so hard on people's self esteem.
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Re: Dyslexia

Post by rainroro22 »

You also might want to make a list of all the things that need attention. Going to doc, eating, etc. You don't need to necessarily do anything. I find writing things down frees up some emotional space in my mind.
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