
If you feel like showing your art or an expression of who you are, do it here.
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Post by shrinks23 »

The Magic Eraser

Do you have it?
It’ll solve all your problems.
Just wipe it all away.
Did He hurt you?
Just a swipe and the pain is gone.
Better yet, erase Him altogether.
How bout that embarrassing scene you made?
Where no one understood, made you look insane.
It’ll clean it all away.
That ugly green outfit in ninth grade,
screaming yelling parents
the teacher who made you pee your pants.
It’ll come in handy for bad trips, fear, and just about any mistake.
That horrible oral presentation for Honor’s English,
Oh, that night you slept with your best friend.
How about when the baby got aborted,
Or after, when you became a monster.
It’ll come in real handy.
Real handy to erase it all away.
Just with a swipe.
I’ll be gone and away.

Hi all,
Obviously, I have suicidal tendencies. Currently I am not at that brink but still sometimes have feelings of hopelessness & thought I'd share my expression of it. This is my first post on the forum. Just didn't want anyone thinking I was about to hurt myself physically. And hope this is not a trigger for anyone. If you feel the same, know you're not alone!! Anyhow, love the podcast & hopefully can get involved with the forum too. Thanks!
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Re: poem

Post by IdentityPoltergeist »

For some reason the words "wipe" and "swipe" left me with an imagery of deleting yourself from a harddrive or iPhone. And I actually really like that as a metaphor. Like if only it could be that easy! Wouldn't if be grand.

"Siri, how do I erase my existence?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't get that."
"God! I give up!!!"
"Swipe left in 30 seconds to erase your soul. Swipe right now for directions to the nearest Ben & Jerry's."

Keep writing! Btw if they ever come up with an app for that, I'm on it.
"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." -- Oscar Wilde
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