Can't Let It Go

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Nim Harper
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Can't Let It Go

Post by Nim Harper »

What do you guys do when you can't let something go? When it stays with you for days and your brain is like a pit bull with a chew toy and you can't stop grinding your teeth and therapy isn't until next week and you're crying at work because it hurts so badly? What do you guys do when that happens? Please help me. I'm scaring myself.
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Re: Can't Let It Go

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello Nim Harper, welcome to our forum! :D

Prozac helped me with getting rid of my constant rumination of painful thoughts. Now I shut down harmful thoughts by finding the "shame" message behind it and yelling at that "shame" voice to shut up, because the "shame" voice can only do harm.

For example, right now I have some negative energy around my realization that I have chronic fatigue syndrome because there is a "shame" message that says "shut up about chronic fatigue syndrome, really you are a lazy ass". That "shame" voice has no interest in my well-being, so I shout it down.
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Re: Can't Let It Go

Post by Brooke »

I'm sorry you are suffering so bad...there are times when I become obsessed with my thoughts and can't concentrate on anything else. I would suggest taking a break from work for a little bit if you are crying at the office and scaring yourself, but if that's not possible, maybe medication is the only thing that might help in the short term... For me, writing in forums and being completely honest about my issues helps out a lot. It gets me out of my head when I release it "out there." We are completely anonymous and there isn't a lot of places where you can be completely vulnerable, so I definitely make use out of it. For me, there's a huge amount of therapeutic release when I am completely vulnerable here. I don't expect anyone to write back or give me support, but just replying to other people and sharing my personal struggles helps.
My therapist told me today that I need to start listening and doing what I want to, even if it's something small, just do what you want to do. It's so hard for us to let ourselves be. My fear is that if I'm just "going with my heart," I'll be a disgusting hobo. And she pointed out that I think like that because I don't believe in myself. She's right. I've been holding back a little coming here because I've wrote so much on the anxiety section, but I think I'm going to start joining more forums outside of this and make it a habit to keep sharing. It's important to learn from our "crashes" and try to implement things to do to prevent them. For me, I think I'm not going to save sharing for days when I'm really down in the dumps, but to do it on a regular basis so that I don't detach from myself mentally and "crash." Good luck.
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Re: Can't Let It Go

Post by Cheesehead »

I can so relate to having obessive thoughts and not being able to get rid of the bad feelings. Wish I had some words of wisdom to help you through it, but I don't. Hell I can't let bad feelings go from my childhood over 30 years ago, along with all the other shit that happens everyday that I obessive over! It is so draining and always just right there to help continue to drive me crazy at any moment. Like I said in another post, I basically just "white knuckle" through life and keep retying the end of my rope and holding on as tight as I can while I continue to cycle through out my life between better days and bad ones.
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!
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