I hate my life

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I hate my life

Post by senoranonymoso »

I hate my life today and just want to be dead. I'm not gonna do it because I know it's just my depression but at the moment I just want to cry and I can't. Dying sounds comforting.
The background on my messed up family: http://mentalpod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=8378
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Re: I hate my life

Post by oak »

Hang in there. You're a person of inherent human dignity and worth.

You have some valuable role to play in life.

You are not alone.

(I hope you don't mind a reply message full of tropes! Though they are tropes, I offer them sincerely.)
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Re: I hate my life

Post by Drang »

Unfortunately when you're feeling depressed, it seems like you will feel that way forever, and that everyone is way happier than you. I know the feeling. I'm there right now. But things will get better. I know that in my brain, but it's hard for my emotions to process.

Crying can be cathartic. Just sit somewhere quietly and acknowledge your feelings. Maybe listen to some sad music. I can't say it will completely make you feel better, but it's better than bottling up your feelings.

If you're ever seriously considering suicide, please get help immediately. It is not a sign of weakness. Admitting that you need help is the strongest thing you can do.
Calvin: Know what I pray for?
Hobbes: What?
Calvin: The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference.
Hobbes: You should lead an interesting life.
Calvin: Oh, I already do!
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Re: I hate my life

Post by HeathMcF »

senoranonymoso - how are you today?

How long did it take you to get out of your funk? Depression can be paralyzing - usually I just want to crawl into a ball and hide from the world. Sometimes I think, if I just drive west, I can start over, be someone else...

What are you doing to treat your depression?

Meds? Exercise? Talking?

Hugs, man.
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