Psychiatrist recommendation in Southern California

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Joined: March 3rd, 2013, 6:46 pm
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Issues: Depression, Anxiety

Psychiatrist recommendation in Southern California

Post by rivergirl »

I'm considering paying out of pocket to see a good psychiatrist because all of the ones covered by my insurance seem to have really poor online reviews or aren't accepting new patients. I haven't been evaluated for medication for a long time but my therapist is suggesting it because I'm really struggling right now even with therapy. I had a bad experience years ago when I saw a psychiatrist covered by my insurance policy. She prescribed really high doses of several medications (even ones for psychosis, although I've never had a psychotic episode).

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone has had success with a psychiatrist, preferably in the Orange County area, for depression (I'm pretty sure it is unipolar) I would really appreciate a recommendation. I'll even go elsewhere in Southern California if necessary.
Posts: 1270
Joined: March 3rd, 2013, 6:46 pm
Gender: Female
Issues: Depression, Anxiety

Re: Psychiatrist recommendation in Southern California

Post by rivergirl »

I went ahead and got an appointment with a doctor covered by my insurance that I finally found who got pretty good reviews. It's a two-month wait to see him. I'm scared to get medication but also scared not to.
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