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Posts: 18
Joined: October 5th, 2015, 11:01 am
Gender: M
Issues: Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Tourette's
preferred pronoun: he


Post by dave »

hi - is perfectionism a defence mechanism or perhaps a substitute/surrogate for normal life satisfaction? I am a perfectionist in many ways, and a workaholic, as were my dad and other important mentor-type men in my life. I'm a musician, and my perfectionism makes it nearly impossible to enjoy my musical activities unless we're performing at a really high level, which is extremely rare.

I wonder if I'm perfectionist because I struggle to enjoy relationships with others in an easy, relaxed way. Given that, maybe being a perfectionist is a way to give myself meaning and identity. I identify with top-flight musicians even though I don't have that level of talent myself. This started when I was around 18 and I think was a way to fill a void inside myself.

I like the adage that "the perfect is the enemy of the good". I try to remember that.
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