Depression, I Loathe You

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Posts: 6
Joined: May 28th, 2016, 6:29 pm
Gender: Female
Issues: Major depression, Generalized anxiety
preferred pronoun: She

Depression, I Loathe You

Post by mfanton2016 »

The last few days, I've been feeling depressed. I've not been feeling well. It's a nice beautiful day and my mom's outside doing gardening. She asked me if I wanted to, I could help her. I just feel bleh and kind of guilty.
I suffer from major depression, and I hate days like these. I'm currently suffering from a UTI (sorry about the TMI), and I know that can increase my symptoms. That's what my therapist once told me.
I hate when I feel depressed like this, because my guilty feelings come out and I feel selfish.
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